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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Win a copy of Honor in the Dust by Gilbert Morris

To enter for a chance to win a copy of this book simply post a comment about the Tudor era (the rule of Henry VIII) and what, if anything, you find fascinating about that time period. Also, if you have a favorite book set in that era, do tell us the title. :)

I'll go first. I enjoyed In the Shadow of Lions by Ginger Garrett. What fascinates me about this era was the whole fixation on producing a son and how Henry killed several wives for failing to produce him an heir. Now we know it's the man that determined the sex of the child. SO sad for the women who were nixed.

About the book:

In the moral confusion of the court of King Henry VIII, young Stuart Winslow has many choices to make — and lives depend on what he will choose.

Born in poverty when his father was forced to choose between the woman he loved and the wealth of his aristocratic family, the determined Stuart Winslow will go to any lengths to improve his social position. When his skills in weapons design and falconry secure a place for him in the court of King Henry VIII, he quickly learns that the court is really a wicked cauldron of vices, power plays, and temptations — some of them very much to his liking.

When William Tyndale, an acquaintance of Stuart's, makes it known that his ambition is to translate the Bible into the language of the common man, the king opposes Tyndale's efforts and sentences him to death. If Stuart opposes the king in this, he will share the same fate. Is he willing to risk death at the stake for the sake of Christ? And how will he choose between the innocent Heather, who has long loved him, and the courtwise Nell?

In Honor in the Dust, bestselling author Gilbert Morris beautifully captures the tone of the Tudor period, chronicling the period's excesses with skill and prudence. But like Morris's other novels, this book also contrasts those excesses with the godly behavior of characters such as William Tyndale. In this captivating historical drama, Stuart Winslow is caught between two worlds: one that promises material and worldly success and one that promises salvation. Is his faith strong enough to withstand such a challenge?

My thoughts:

I started this book tonight and I'm enthralled. In fact, I am half way through it! It's really good and I don't want to stop reading, but I have to go to work! That's a great sign! I had no idea I'd enjoy the story this much. :)


Mark said...

I too am fascinated by the King Henry VIII, and how he could so easily discard his wives just because they could not provide an heir

Unknown said...

Did women actually volunteer to be the next late Mrs. Henry VIII, or was it a forced arrangement? And who performed the marriage? Did the church turn their back on these women and "bless" such a union? These questions perplex me about this era.
Sounds like a good book. I could definitely brush up on my Tudor history.

Anonymous said...

l dont know much about the era, but l like Tudor homes, does that count? Percy...

apple blossom said...

I just love reading historical fiction type books. This book would fit the bill right on. Thanks

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Casey said...

I enjoy reading about the tudor era, but I have done most of my reading out of history books. I find not alot of authors write in this era. So when one comes along that sounds as good as this one, I find it intriguing! I enjoy Gilbert Morris and would love to read this book.

Casey said...

I enjoy reading about the tudor era, but I have done most of my reading out of history books. I find not alot of authors write in this era. So when one comes along that sounds as good as this one, I find it intriguing! I enjoy Gilbert Morris and would love to read this book.

Anonymous said...

The Tudor era interests me because it seems to me to be a romantic and upperclass kind of era. I always wonder how they manage to appear that way (to me) without all the modern conveniences we have today. I also love the language of that era.

Katie Marie said...

I have not read much Tudor history, but I do like the era. I have read a few titles by Gilbert Morris before, though, and I like the author! Not sure if this makes me eligable for entering the giveaway, but I'd love a chance to win this book! :-)


Janet said...

Yeah, can you believe men? lol I do find that era fascinating. I would like to read this book too.


Anonymous said...

I watched a movie once called A Man for All Seasons--(about a man close to the King named Thomas Morre)--who stood up against King Henry when he split with the Roman Catholic Church so he could divorce and remarry. I enjoyed it and remember a lot from it even though I watched it years ago...

ldneuhof at hotmail dot com

Doreen said...

I love the language of the Tudor era and the clothing. I loved the movie 'The Other Boleyn Girl' and since then, I've been interested in really what happened--the history of it all. Would love to read this! I'm fascinated too by this history of the Tudor era.

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

And the winner is...


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