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Sunday, October 09, 2016

What I've been up to lately

Okay, so here is the thing... I haven't been reading a whole lot lately because I've been reformatting books I wrote years ago and putting them on kindle myself. I asked for the rights back because it seems more people borrow my books through kindle unlimited than actually buy them. I don't mind that, but if I have publishers that don't use kindle unlimited then the books are not available for my readers. That said, here are the buy links to the books I recently posted...

1 comment:

Reine Marie said...

I picked up IT'S NOT ABOUT ME intending to glance at a page or two, and ended up spending the entire day glued to the story. This book handles some tough issues with sensitivity and grace. Besides that, it's just a GOOD story! The hero is incredibly romantic, and the heroine so realistic she brought tears to my eyes.

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