Journey to Tennessee at the end of the Civil War. Heaven Wharton has been left in charge of her father’s farm, but weeks of facing marauders has finally taken its toll. Meaning to fire into the air, she accidentally shoots a man charging the house. Shocked, she and her sister Angel drag the semi-conscious man into the house and nurse him back to health. As Travis recovers he finds his heart turning to the possibilities of love. But can he and Heaven learn to accept God’s plan, however it unfolds?
My review:
I loved how the author had the character's dialog so unique and well done that I could hear their voices in my head while they spoke. Each character had a distinct voice and way of thinking. That made this book stand out from others. Plus, it wasn't boring. Just being honest here. While the story itself isn't exceptional in the sense that it's not very unique, it still made me smile and had plenty of redeeming qualities. The spiritual arc in the story was one of them. And the sister being blind made me think of Mary from Little House on the Prairie. Just sayin'.
I also enjoyed the romance. It was interesting reading alternating perspectives from two different groups of people finally intersecting about three quarters of the way through the book, and at the same time it seemed to take away from the main story. Not sure how else to explain that. At any rate, the romance was sweet and tender, the hero was admirable and appealing, and the younger sister was just precious in how she said what she was thinking without worrying about propriety. I found that adorable and her older sister's love touching. The heroine was stronger than she realized and sometimes being less dependent helps that strength come out. All in all, a solid read and one I would recommend without hesitation.
Now for the question:
Have you ever known someone to accidentally shoot someone (like maybe during a hunting trip?) I will pick a winner next Sunday using the Randomizer program.
Unfortunately, yes. The man wasn't wearing orange, and a teen shot. The man died. Charges were brought against the teen, fortunately, the family of the man understood that it was an accident and the man was walking when/where he shouldn't have been. God brought them all through it, but it was a hard time.
That's so sad. I'm so sorry that happened to that family.
Thanks so much for having me on your blog today Michelle!
No I don't think I know of anyone that did that.
I babysat for a couple, they were in an argument and she picked up a loaded gun it went off and killed her husband. Her children were there and saw the whole thing. Their lives were destroyed. God bless you.
Glenda Parker
What a terrible situation to have to live with! Thankfully, I do not personally know someone that this happened to. Great premise for a book though, and how God can work you through it.
Wow, some pretty awful stories coming through here. :(
A Bride's Dilemma is a love story where God used what could have been a tragic event to bring two unlikely people together.
Just thought I'd tell you all so when you read the book (you will won't you??? I hope!) you won't find such a sad situation.
Hugs to all of you who have suffered through terrible times.
No I don't know of anyone who accidently shot anyone else. I am sure that is very hard for the person. I would love to read this book. Please enter me in contest.
Michelle said she hadn't read the book. Well, I have and I loved it. A different premise and an interesting story with strong characters.
I'm one of Diana's critique partners and the story is great! I'd love to win a published copy. :)
I have never been hunting and never shot anyone -- except in my own fiction. :)
I'm so grateful you don't know someone that was shot. :)
Thank you! You're review was great.
Lollipops--I know who you are. :)
You have done some scary things to your characters. :)
I would love to read this book.
My husband is a hunter and I always worry that he is going to get shot by another hunter. Years ago, it almost happened when he was hunting with his cousin. The cousin was always drinking beer from the time he woke up to the time he went to sleep. The cousin fired a shot right by my husband and missing him by several inches. Husband hasn't hunted with cousin since.
Karen Gervais
Living in Tenn. and having been to some of the battlegrounds and Carnton Plantation, I can tell ya, this was a bloody horrible fighting ground.
Would love to win the book and review it on my blog!
Karen, that is frightening! Beer and guns are never a good mix.
That would be awesome if you won and reviewed the book. Someday I'm going to live in Tennessee--long range goal. :)
No, but I've read about some accidental shootings. Please add me, the time around the Civil War is an interesting setting for a book.
worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com
I can't imagine accidentally shooting someone. A few miles from us two kids were playing with their parents rifle and the older shot the younger. I think that the oldest was 10 at the time. The family had to move away as part of the healing for their 10 year old boy. I can't even fathom what he is living with. I am hoping that the counseling he has received has helped him live with it.
Please enter me in the drawing for A Bride's Dilemma in Friendship Tennessee. I would love to read it. Thanks for the chance to win.
Debbie Clark
and the winner is...
Thank you!! So excited to win. Can't wait to read it!
my brothers growing up were fooling around with BB gun in garage and hit beam and came back and hit on of my brothers
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
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