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Sunday, February 27, 2011

New giveaway! Now I'm giving away Dining with Joy by Rachel Hauck!

For a chance to win this book simply post your comment this week on whether or not you like to cook. The second part is... are you good at it? Don't forget to leave your name and how to contact you if you win.

My answer. I don't like to cook, but yes, I am good at it when I do. I still don't like it.

So what about you? Isn't this premise great? I'll pick a winner next Sunday using the Randomizer program. Until then.... Enjoy!

Dining with Joy (A Lowcountry Romance)

About the book:

"Chef" Joy Ballard longs for a simpler life. But when a good-looking outsider arrives and spices things up, life becomes deliciously complicated.

Host of a regionally syndicated cooking show, Joy Ballard has a little secret: she can't cook. But when her show is picked up by a major network and given a prime time slot, her world heats up faster than a lowcountry boil.

Enter Luke Redmond: handsome, creative, and jobless after having to declare bankruptcy of his Manhatten restaurant. When her producers ask him to co-host the show, Joy sees Luke as her way out. But Luke sees much more than just a co-host in Joy.

Their relationship begins to simmer on and off set. Until Joy's secret is revealed and her reputation is ruined on national television by her rival, Wenda Devine.

But could Devine's cruelty be a divine gift? Losing Luke--and her sister--forces Joy to consider where her worth really comes from. Could God be cooking up an even bigger adventure from the mess? And will Joy hang on long enough to find out?

My thoughts:

I am in the middle of chapter three. This will be a good romance. I can tell from the get-go. I will post a review when I finish this book sometime this week. Best wishes to you.

23 comments: said...

I love to cook! And I am really good at it!! Sometimes
Linda Eastlack

PatriciaW said...

I like to cook, especially baking. I'm good at it because it's important to me. I show love to my children, and spend time with them in the kitchen. I'd say I've really grown my culinary confidence in recent years.

Cherie Clayton said...

I like to cook when I invite people over...and when I do, I am good at it. Other than that...take out anyone?

Lisa Lickel said...

The premise sounds great. I love a woman who can't cook! I created my mystery character, Judy, like that too and it was so much fun. Like a diva who can't sing.

Beth Steury said...

Yes, I like to cook and I'm a pretty good cook.... but the more time i spend writing, the less I seem to cook!

Sylvia said...

I like to cook when I'm in the mood and when I know I have all the ingredients. As for being good at it I'm okay I guess. I can follow a recipe. I'm not very good at inventing my own recipes though.


Anne Payne said...

I cook everyday, from scratch. Nothing fancy, just regular country fare. My crew likes meat & potatoes. Enjoyment comes from hearing them say "mmmmmmm", or " Oh mom, this is so good.":)

Anonymous said...

I dont like to cook. I am not very good at it. Pleas enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

apple blossom said...

No, I don't like to cook. Don't want to take the time to do it. shame on me. Good at it I'm ok.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

karenk said...

i like to cook...i especially enjoy trying new recipes...i have been told that i'm a good cook :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Pencildancers said...

I love to cook but didn't know how to really do it until I had to give up gluten.

I'd love to read this book. I've been hearing bits and pieces about it since the ACFW conference in 2009.
Diana Lesire Brandmeyer
dlbrandmeyer @

Anonymous said...

I love to cook! And most of the time I'm good at it.
I wasn't when I was younger, but now that I'm older I am pretty good:)
I would love to win this book. It sounds SOOO good!

fredamans said...

I LOVE to cook, and am pretty decent. I started a food blog, but I realized it's been a while since I updated.


Jaedyn said...

Yay, I love Rachel's books! And the question... sorta complicated. lol When I'm finding myself short on time and have to get something together on short notice I don't like to cook. ;-) In general I do, though. I just need to be better at planning meals.

Second part, I would say I'm good at some things and not so much at others. I think I'm great when it comes to baking! I'm a whiz with the slow cooker! (hahaha)

Courtney said...

I love to cook but wish I had more time to do it! This book sound really fascinating, thanks for the chance to win it!

Pam K. said...

I do a good job of cooking but enjoy it only sometimes. I do like baking but having to cook supper every night? No. I enjoy it most when there is ample time and I have someone to cook for.
I'd love to win and read "Dining with Joy."

Nancye said...

Generally speaking I do not like to cook, unless I am in the mood. When I take the time to cook, I am pretty good at it (at least I think I am :)!

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

rbooth43 said...

rbooth43 at yahoo dot com

Eliza Clancy said...

When I had my kids at home I loved to cook and bake, but I have to be honest, the only time I eat a home cooked meal now is when one of them invites me over!

Andi said...

I love to cook, and I am good at it! Especially Italian dishes! Comes from my Italian heritage.

Charlotte Kay said...

I love trying new recipes!
I especially love making soups, casseroles, and baking!
Thanks for this giveaway!
Blessings and Smiles,
charlovesmark at gmail dot com

Charlotte Kay said...

My family thinks I am good at cooking.
charlovesmark at gmail dot com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...


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