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Thursday, May 06, 2010

Edgy Christian Fiction Lovers and Ning - we're here to stay!

Most, if not all, of my Ning groups that I participate in are shutting down when they start charging fees in July. This site will stay up and I anticipate it growing even more. We've got 650 member. None of the members have to pay the fee. Just the person who runs/hosts the But thanks to some generous people who have found it in their hearts to give (for whom I'll give some advertising space as a thank you) I'm halfway to the amount I need. If I don't get any more I'll still pay the rest. I am THAT invested in you all. Where else can you talk about stuff that most Christian loops will get on your case for bringing up? Where else can you tell people about your work, your self-published book, snag critique partners who won't be offended, and offer marketing support for each other? And we are clearly Christian. No question about that. So, if you haven't joined already and want to do so, click on this link and join. Just know that it sometimes takes me a day to get to approve your membership due to my job and church. Got to keep those weirdos out of our edgy little cyber support system.

Here is the link...

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