About the book:
The year is 48 BC. Sophia, a woman hurt by past loss, guards the famous lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt, in order to hide herself away from a world she deems cruel and unloving. But there is no escape. Political turmoil swells as Roman general Julius Caesar and his legion storm the city, and Cleopatra, Greek queen of Egypt , fights to retain her country against both Caesar and bloodthirsty rivals within her own household. Sophia is caught in the middle between a loyalty to Cleopatra and her maddening interest in Bellus, the Roman soldier whom Caesar has instructed to overtake the lighthouse.
My thoughts:
I just finished reading Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran this past week. I'm in the mood for more Roman Historical fiction so I'm reading Guardian of the Flame this week and will post a review when I'm done...
I'm fascinated with many things about the ancient world. There is so much that we don't really know, just bit and pieces. I wonder about the Seven Wonders of the World, especially those that no longer exist. What about this lighthouse? Why is it considered such a phenomenal structure? And there's that whole political-cultural connection between Rome and Egypt when Julius Caesar was emperor. I forget sometimes that Cleopatra wasn't actually an Egyptian. I like to imagine how life really was for people back then.
I read Higley's City of the Dead, set in the time when the Great Pyramid was built, and she did a masterful job of bringing the ancients to life, presenting the mundane as well as the spectacular. I'd love to get the whole series. She makes history so interesting!
I enjoy reading about Cleopetra or other pharohs of Egypt. I find it fscinating. I really got interested in Egypt when my sister and I became friends with a woman from there.
The pyramids fascinate me. Thanks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Just a quick note to let you know that your blog has been awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award! You may pick up the award tomorrow Nov. 24 at my blog site: www.musingsofedwina.blogspot.com.
Blessings and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I have not read many set in this time period. This one looks like it would be interesting. The thing that fascinates me is reading about different time periods. What the customs and dress were in that time. Please enter me. Thanks!!
I love reading Historical fiction please count me in. The book looks like it will keep me on the edge of my seat!
I have Cleopatra's Daughter buy have not read it yet. I haven't read any in that time period, looks interesting.
I haven't read much from this time period but I am fascinated by anything about ancient Egypt!
Please enter me.
My favorite thing from ancient world history would be the Pyramids of Egypt, and pretty much anything Egyptian that I get a chance to read. However, I still need to read T.L. Higley's other book that was set in Egypt.
Please sign me up for the giveaway! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!
orca0024 at yahoo dot com
I loved T.L. Higley's first book in this series and have been hoping to read more! I probably know the most about the Pyramids, but the one that has always intrigued me is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. I'd love to find out more about those.
I don't usually read in this genre, but Amazon reviews I've looked at make me want to pick this one up. Thank you for the giveaway, Michelle.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
My favorite spot to read about would have to be Egypt after reading Higley's previous book, City of the Dead. Felt like I was there; it was an awesome book.
And I'd loooooove to win this one. Can't wait to read it. If I win (fingers crossed!), you can send me an email through my site's contact page.
I don't read much ancient history, but I enjoy learning more about Cleopatra. I would enjoy reading this book. I have heard good things about it.
Actually, I really enjoy learning about Cleopatra, so I bet I'll like this book since it is the same time/setting. Though these aren't "ancient", I've also always loved reading about the Romanov's and Marie Antoinette. I would love to be entered in this contest!
Ancient Egypt is really interesting, but I also enjoy reading about the Roman Empire...it is so amazing to read how grand those people were!
never read about the ancient world.. maybe when forced for a test or report thats all.. Percy
Please don't enter me for the contest! I just wanted to say that I read this book recently and really enjoyed it! I know whoever wins it will love it! :)
please enter me in the contest
I would enjoy reading about history...Egypt sounds like a fascinating place to begin.
And the winner is...
Karen K!
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