About the book:
Marianne Wallace is focused on two things this holiday season: planning the greatest family Christmas ever and cheering on her youngest son's team in their bid for the state championship. Disaster strikes when the team loses their mascot, the Trout. Is it going too far to ask her to don the costume? So what if her husband has also volunteered her to organize the church Christmas tea. When football playoffs start ramping up, the Christmas tea starts falling apart. Then, one by one her children tell her they can't come home for Christmas. As life starts to unravel, will Marianne remember the true meaning of the holidays?
My review:
Normally I skip over holiday-themed books. They just don't do much for me. But Susan May Warren is an author that typically entertains as well as encourages me. I knew that any story she'd write about the holidays would be funny and realistic. So I tried this story and I wasn't disappointed. It wasn't sappy or goofy. Rather, it was hilariously cute and a bit sentimental, but in a good way. I loved the trout theme and the motherly sentiment and reflection. I could totally see Susan's personality in this story, and I loved how it was written in the witty and charming style of her Josie series. One thing I particularly enjoyed was how the mother realized that God had somehow matured her grown children by story's end. She instilled in them the value of giving and the Lord did the work in their hearts. My two sons are almost finished with high school and they are a lot like Kevin. Her relationship with her son made me smile because it looks so similar to mine.
The Great Christmas Bowl was published by Tyndale and released in Sept 2009.
I would love to win Susan's book! I love it when we're able to do the Operation Christmas Child (the shoe boxes). My kids always love filling up the boxes.
~Mimi B
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
Thank you for the entry.
Every year is special to me, especially the holidays. I have no great story of a good deed. Though since losing my Father, I strive every holiday to be the best I can be. Every Christmas I donate to the local food banks. It isn't much, but it's something. I also make sure a former neighbor of mine, eats a good meal every holiday. Whether Thanksgiving or Christmas, Easter or Hallowe'en. I always make sure he eats a decent meal. He is on disability, and it is rare he can stretch from month to month.
Thank you for allowing me to share, as small as it is.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, and Happy Columbus Day!
I remember many years ago, I heard that an old friend of our was dressing up each year as he has done so many years before we became friends with him, as Santa. He would dress up and actually delivery gift to children that were in need. He passed away a few years ago. I am sure he will be missed and his kindness.
I love rading Christmas books around Christmas time! helps me get into the Christmas spirit :)
last year on Christmas we surprised our kids with an ultrasound picture telling them they would have a baby brother in May. the girls screamed in excitement since they had been praying for a brother for 9 months :)
One of the best Christmases for me was the first one my daughter and I spent with my husband and his two sons. It was just so wonderful to have someone else to share it with.
l would have to say my best Chirstmas' were the ones when the kids were little, and l would make dinner for 40 or so, yes l said 40- guys that lived in the barracks and had no where to go for dinner... Percy
I also love books by Susan May Warren. Would love to read this one.
There are many Christmas memories from my childhood. One year my aunt made all her nieces special Barbie clothes - even cut up an old fur to make them fur coats. When we left her house to go home, we had to drive in a snowstorm which is very unusual for Memphis at that time of year. My mom had to keep turning the wiper knob (really old car) just so my dad could see to drive. That was the only year I can remember having a white Christmas during my entire childhood.
Another not so special memory is the year both my sisters and I had mumps for Christmas.
I read this book last week, so don't enter me, Michelle. I just wanted to say that it is a thoroughly enjoyable read - very funny, but with strong spiritual themes. One of the best holiday-themed books I've read.
okay---enter me, michelle!
charactertherapist (at) hotmail (dot) com
The Character Therapist
the Christmas of 2006 was an extra special Christmas as that was our first married Christmas together it was so nice.please enter me into
the giveaway thanks
The Christmas that stands out was when I was 16. I was the youngest of 4 children and my dad sat down to write a letter to Santa Claus. We thought he was just being a little strange - but then, on Christmas Eve, "Santa" showed up at our house with gifts for all of us kids - including my 2 brother in laws. It turned out to be the last Christmas we had together as a family, as my dad passed away the following May from cancer. We didn't know at Christmas that he was sick - but it was almost as if he knew, and wanted to do something we would all remember.
Would love to win this book.
kherbrand at comcast dot net
I absolutely love Christmas stories and have been collecting them the past couple year. One of the most amazing Christmases for me was after my grandson was born 6 years ago this month. He was 4 months premature (1 pound, 10 ounces) and spent the first 4-1/2 months of his tiny life in the neonatal intensive care unit. That first Christmas, he was finally getting some weight and was able to be held by his mommy and daddy. There were so many touch and go moments, we were never sure if we would spend that Christmas mourning or not. Fortunately, we didn't have to and even though the little guy couldn't open presents, Santa didn't forget him ... or us, for that matter!
Hi, I like reading seasonal books!
This author is a favorite of mine.
One Christmas, our family helped the homeless by serving a free dinner at our church. It really opened up our eyes.
Many thanks, Cindi
please enter me... I LOVE the holidays and lve spending them with my family..
thanks katie
One year my family bought some presents for a family whose father was over fighing for our country. The mother was having a rough time of it, and it was enjoyable to help them out
and the winner is...
Jeannie Campbell!
One of my favorite Christmases ever was when I was a pre-teen. We spent Christmas with our aunt in her log cabin in Maine. We went into the woods & chopped down our own tree and decorated it with popcorn & berries! It was a simple & wonderful Christmas!
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