Here you go. These are four mock ups for the new cover. It will not be exactly like any one of these below. However, I need feedback from people who are either aged 16-25 or who have children who are 16-25 that you may buy the book for. I need to know which style/design appeals the most to that demographic. So here is what I need. State your age and if you aren't 16-25 say how old you are or if you have kids that age or know kids that age. I need data by this weekend so tell everyone you know. Thanks!!! (Oh, and just so you know the first book in the series is listed at the end to remind you of the look of the first book. Do NOT comment on #5!)


I think I like #1... the hands on the belly shows so much!
I picked No 1 better than others
I vote for how it's kind of uniform with how the cover in the first of the series was, yet with different colors...also, I think the picture still shows the idea I, too, liked from #1, except with just HER hands on the belly. I am 48, but am connected with friends from church, etc., that are in the teen or young adult age group.
I like #2. Enough but not too much.
I think #3, the close up of the lovely girl looks most like other YA novels I've seen out there.
I think #3, the close up of the lovely girl looks most like other YA novels I've seen out there.
I like number 1.There is just so much feeling in the cover
i don't know the storyline of this one at all. i was going to say #1 and #4 make it look like she's pregnant...according to "tarasview" that must be appropriate. lol
I also like #1. It's the most similar to the first book, but I also find it the most appealing.
Definitely #1!! To me, #2 is a little awkward, and the close-up of #3 doesn't really make sense with the title, since there is no guy. #4 isn't bad, but #1 seems perfect!
I will be 25 in a few weeks. =)
I like #4 . . . It has more edge to it. :-)
I like # 3 the best. The title is: It's Not About Him. And therefore, he's not in the picture. But, if I had to choose one with the guy in it, I would choose #1.
I looked at your other cover, It's Not About Me, and both the guy and the gal are on it, so you probably better go with one with the guy in it too.
Just my two cents.
Debra Ullrick
The Bride Wore Coveralls
Déjà vu Bride
Dixie Hearts
#1 reveals a lot more than the others I think. If you're going for significance,then that's the one I would pick.
I like the bubble image from #2, but I like the font of #1 much better.
#2 is my favorite.
I like #1 too. I debated between 1 and 2 but I definately like 1 better. I am 25. :)
I like #4...the body language speaks...but the "Oh, wow! She's pregnant!" isn't the first thought. It's "Cute couple. Oh, they're pregnant." I'm not even close to the right age group, but I have kids the age of your readers.
I think #4 In keeping with the series cover theme with the striped line right above the title, separating the picture and title.
I am older than 25 however, I have two teenage daughters. One who is a book worm said cover #2
When I pointed out to her my thoughts she then readily agreed about keeping with the theme of book #1
I like four, it goes along with the theme from the first book. I am not telling you my age cause you already know, but I am buying for 13, 15, 17, 19, and 20 year olds. (although they MAY share the book, I can't guarentee there won't be bloodshed, lol).
I like the picture on #1, but I like the layout of #4 better. It matches the first cover. So, if I had to pick on, I'd pick #4.
I like a combination of #2 and #4. I like the picture in the circle with just a head shot(#2), but the strip of vertical stripes (4) pulls it together with the first book. I really like all the colors and the circles. Not sure about the bulging tummy--maybe too overt.
I'm in the over 25 group (haha), but have a 24 yo son and preteen grandson, although neither fit your target audience. My son is married and grandson too young.
All the best.
I vote for #3. Nothing personal against the guy, but I think she does more for the cover than he does. But then I'm 60, so what in the world do I know? haha.
I prefer #4.
I like the background of #1 best, but I think #4 is more consistent with the first book. I don't guess it's possible to request the background of #1 and the layout and picture of #4? Something about those darker green circles in the background of #4 looks a little chick-littish to me. And your book is definitely not that style.
I agree. The first one stands out and the cover says so much. I have children in the age group.
I vote for #3. Focuses on the girl rather than the couple. The guy seems to detract.
They are all beautiful, Michelle, but I definitely liked #4 the best. My daughter is 17.
#1, definitely. It tells part of the story, just enough to tantalize the prospective buyer/reader.
number 4 please, l like the suspence to just her on the cover... and l like the stripes how they go along with book one... Percy
As a mom and ardent youth worker I felt a little icky about the one with his hands on her and the one where they are sitting because it looks like he's looking at her chest.
Like novelteen, I like the photo in #1 the best, but prefer the format of #4 because it sticks closer to the first book and makes it a more recognizable brand. If forced into a choice, I would say #4, though his slight smile doesn't sit right with me.
My son is 21 and I am an AWANA Commander at my church, which includes kids in this age group.
Best of luck with your next book!
I'm 23. And I like #4 because it goes well with the cover from the first book (or atleast the striped edge and words look similiar) I'm sure it will look lovely and I'm really excited about this book since I have the first one!
Definitely # 1 -- very nice!
I've got teens & early-twenties kids. I'd definitely pick up a book with cover #3 first, before the other covers, BUT, I think cover #4 is the best overall because of how well it goes with the cover for Book One.
I have kids who are teens & early twenties. I'd definitely pick up a book with Cover #3 first, before the other covers, BUT seeing the cover for Book One, I think the best choice is cover #4 as the design fits so well with Book One's.
There are things I like about each one - but I'm going to go with #4 because it best matches the design of your first book in the series. I have two daughters -ages 27 and almost 25.
I have to say I like the picture on #1 but I like the way #4 matches the design "It's not all about me".
I'm 48 and have a son who is 16 1/2
Hope that helps!
Sherry K
I like #1 best, but if you want to keep it like the first book, I'd go with #4. I have a child in this age group and read book 1.
I like #1 if you a pregnancy in the book is not a surprise. But #4 really keeps the theme nicely.
I like #3. Her profile suggests her introspection. Since it's Not About Him, the cover suggests her personal search to find who it IS about.
My 2 cents,
My 17 year old son like's #1 and #2. If he had to pick he'd go with #1.
Mom of a nearly 16 yr old (in a month) and 17 yr old. I'd have to go with #4 as well for the continuity of the covers.
~Mimi B
I like cover 3 the best, but considering its part of a series, I think the 4th one goes better with the whole theme.
I was torn between #1 and #4 but the deciding factor was the title. I like the emphasis on the words "not" and "him" and for that reason my vote is for #4.
Okay, Michelle, you know I'm an oldster. But I have a teenaged son, so I'm at least somewhat savvy here. To tell you the truth, the ONLY thing I dont like about #4 is the unflattering shot of the guy. He looks older and jowly in that shot, whereas he looks young in the others. If his chin line could be airbrushed, I'd vote for #4. Otherwise, I'd vote for #1.
I like the first one best.
I love number 1! I would only like it better if the background was a beautiful park area. With sunshine coming through the trees. *sigh*. How pretty.
I like # 2...It's contemporary, eye catching, shows them both (without the tummy) which wihout knowing the story just seems a bit weird.
However I wish it had some stripes to tie in with first book...kind of a trademark, for Michelle Sutton. Together , they would be catchy on a shelf in the bookstore.
To me, it's a toss up between #2 and #4.( I'm not telling you my age because you already know!) I work in the Youth Services department and I come across YA's all the time, and that's what's 'in'.
It's hard on me because I know the couple. I think as far as the overall look of the cover, I like number one. I'd be more likely to pick it up and take a look. I think number three is just too close on her face, and number four feels a little awkward. Number two doesn't show enough of her belly. Oh, if there were only a picture of her standing about 2 feet in front of him with her back to him. Definitely number one. Yup, that's my vote. Have a good day!
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