About the Book:
Hostage negotiator Mulvaney Quinn is unaware that global catastrophe is hours away. He is equally unaware of how his past is about to betray him. When he is sent into a hostage situation in the Gaza Strip with a woman cop who hunted him for a failed terrorist bust, they become unlikely allies fleeing for survival. Only the two of them can stop an unholy trinity prepared to trigger a final battle of civilizations.
Failure means Armageddon.
Hubby's review:
The Fuse of Armageddon really brings to the forefront of your mind the ongoing conflict amongst the Jewish and Palestinian people, as well as the Christian community in the Middle East. The peoples highlighted in this book are from radical sects in these three religions. The story starts out with a man named Quinn who is in Las Vegas pursuing a terrorist. Quinn is also a hostage negotiator and he is the main character. He is a sought after man and suspected to be a terrorist himself by a female cop from Vegas, but he doesn’t know he’s a wanted man. As the plot unfurls he finds himself caught up in negotiations to stop a conspiracy that will set off Armageddon. As he pursues truth, he uncovers a variety of perspectives regarding the root of animosity in the Middle East. It will make you think about the precarious balance which exists and the core conspirators which often reside within the structure of governments and officials running these countries. If you don’t want your mind challenged and your belief system rocked, then don’t read this book. However, if you enjoy a stimulating story that will make you think about the way things are as opposed to the way they should be, you’ll want to check it out.
The Fuse of Armageddon is published by Tyndale and was released in January 2008.
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