Favorite Verse: John 12:32: "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." It reminds me to lift up Christ in my life and my writing, and He'll be the one to draw people to Himself.

About the book:
Trish Sakai is a girl with attitude---but she wants it to be directed more toward God and less toward cute guys. Not easy when her artist ex-boyfriend claims she's his muse and he can't paint without her; or when her new co-worker definitely seems interested. Can she keep her impressive resolution?

My review:
(This is a very fun read!)
Tang once again delivers an incredibly busy novel. Not a dull moment in this book, I promise. Trish is a lovable character that I empathized with, even though she often put her foot in her mouth. I truly felt for her situation and I loved her sincerity, misguided though she was at times. I also related to the way she felt pulled in by her ex-boyfriend. Some women are just not strong that way, and Trish was a very believable character in that regard.
Tang really comes up with some interesting ways to describe things and on occasion the metaphors and similes seemed a bit over the top, but that didn't take away from the story much. Only Uni is hard to put down because it's so interesting, and at times very insightful and touching, while at other times quite amusing. I enjoyed Only Uni even more than Sushi for One? Tang has a unique writing style that is engaging and fresh, even if a bit overly done at times. I am REALLY looking forward to reading Single Sashimi.
Hey, the fact that I finished this book says a lot. So many never make it that far. So check it out!
Only Uni was published by Zondervan and released in March 2008.
Thanks for the review, Michelle!
I haven't had the chance yet to read this series, but I am continuely intrigued by it. Your review was great and has definitely given me a push towards purchasing these first two in the series. Thanks!
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