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Sunday, March 06, 2011

New giveaway! Now I'm giving away Nightingale by Susan May Warren!

To enter for a chance to win this book simply post a comment answering these questions. Have you ever strongly disagreed with someone you love (like your parents or spouse) regarding a political issue? How did you resolve it, or is it still looming?

I'll pick a winner using the Randomizer program next Sunday. Best wishes to you!

Nightingale (Brothers in Arms Collection, No. 2)

About the book:

Peter Hess has found himself on the wrong side of a world war. Esther Lange is trapped inside a war of her own. Can loving their enemies set them both free? Peter Hess grew up in Mason City, Iowa. So, what’s he doing fighting for the Germans? If only his parents hadn't moved back to their native Germany when they believed Hitler to be a hero. It’s almost a relief when he is captured by the Americans and sent to a Wisconsin POW camp.

When the darkness turns to nightmare and Peter is accused of murder, can he stand firm in his faith - and snatch the woman he loves out of the mouths of lions?

My thoughts:

I really enjoy Susan's historical novels. This premise sounds awesome! Bummer is I haven't been able to start the book yet but I'm giving it a shot this week. We'll see. I've got a lot to do.


Julie J. said...

I have had several disagreements with various people but since the topic was politics, the answer is yes. I'm a grown woman but I still do not agree with my parents' political (or religious) views. I'm also not a fan of "let's agree to disagree" because I know I'm right on this one.

I would REALLY LOVE to read this book! :)


noseinanovel said...

I would LOVE to read this one!

And yes, my spouse and I disagree on certain political issues...


Anonymous said...

I have had disagreements with people. Most of the time I don't voice my opinion because I don't want to argue. I avoid arguing with anyone. Please enter me in contest.

Anita Yancey said...

Yes, with my daughter reguarding politics. We just can't seem to see eye to eye on the subject, and I don't think we ever will. I usually avoid the subject because I don't want to fight with her. Please enter me. Thanks!


apple blossom said...

on political issues no not really, but on other things yes.

I'd love to be included in this drawing thanks

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

windycindy said...

Without a doubt, I have had disagreements about political
issues with my family members.
To me, that is what democracy
is all about! We don't hold
grudges about them, though...
Many thanks, Cindi

Anonymous said...

I really haven't disagreed with family about political issues, but I have a friend that we just don't see eye to eye on issues...especially moral issues. Since I take side with what the Bible says....I think I am right about the issues...
And I love any Susan Mae Warren books!
Blessings.....Joy Hannabass

karenk said...

thanks for the chance to read this fabulous novel...i tend to keep my comments/thoughts to myself.

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Martha A. said...

I love Susan's books!
As far as the question....yes, more recently some of my siblings were very vocal about why they thought everyone should vote a certain way. I disagreed and they pretty much made fun of me for my views. We love each other and I just don't discuss politics with them!
= ) martha(at)lclink(dot)com

Anonymous said...

my hubby and l get along just fine with politic's, thank goodness! though l have had a few disagreements with my daughter about them.. any book l win is a great book to reead! Percy
priscillajdm at hotmail dot com

Lisa Johnson said...

I have been in disagreement with my husband over the presidential office. Finally we agreed to disagree but then Oprah interviewed George Bush and he answered alot of questions we were fighting about and all of a sudden I was right and he apoligized to me. : )

Charlotte Kay said...

I have been fortunate to share the same views of my parents and spouse.
I would LOVE to win this book.
charlovesmark at gmail dot com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...

Julie J!!!

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