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Monday, February 19, 2007

My review of The Reliance by M. L. Tyndall...

Book Description:
Tormented by his wife's apparent demise, Edmund Merrick sails away to drown his sorrows-only to find himself trapped in the dark world of a demented Frenchman. When his mind clears from its rum-induced haze, will Edmund find the will to escape? Seemingly abandoned by her husband, Charlisse is thrown into the clutches of the vengeful pirate Kent. Will she be swept away by the undertow of treachery and despair? Can Edmund and Charlisse steer their way to the faith-filled haven they so desperately seek, or will they ultimately lose their love and lives to the sea?

My review:
This book stormed with action like a ship caught up in a Tsunami. Fabulous writing and very fast paced. There were some opportunities for the reader to catch their breath, but then the author plunges them right back into the action. Tyndall also does something I found particularly exciting. She shows the heart behind the behavior and the outward appearance of some of the characters. The Reliance brings those points home on an emotional level...with the reader in the center of the maelstrom.

The author flushes out some deep spiritual truths. Sometimes God allows His loved ones to be sucked into a mighty storm for their benefit, but more so for the benefit of particular, the lost. There were some characters in this story who would not have had a change of heart if Merrick and Charlisse had not been separated for a time. Through their struggles the people around them saw God working in their midst. As their faith was strengthened, their lives became a testimony to those around them. Unfortunately, the opposite was also true. When they fell, others noticed, and the only reward they received from stumbling was grief and heartache. So true!

There were plenty of fights, stabbing, sweat, drinking, and the works in this novel to make it feel truly authentic. I found the setting compelling and realistic. I thought the way the heroine had the pirates cussing was particularly hilarious (since she couldn't use real words.) I think my favorite term was stiff-necked barnacle.

In short, The Reliance contains just enough testosterone and action to please a male audience, and enough romance and adventure to capture the female reader as well. Since Charlisse and Merrick were married, I dare say their relationship sizzled, and it was very satisfying and realistic to read about. I enjoyed The Reliance just as much as I enjoyed The Redemption, if not more so...

The Reliance was published by Barbour and released in January 2007.

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