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Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Giveaway! Enter for a chance to win Driftwood Lane by Denise Hunter!

For a chance to win a copy of this book simply answer the following question. (You can be as serious or as funny as you want.) What would you do if you were single and a good-looking Christian man (you hired locally) came daily to your house to make repairs and he showed an interest in you romantically? I will pick a winner using the Randomizer program next Monday night or Tuesday morning (due to conference drawing the winner will be delayed this time...)

Driftwood Lane: A Nantucket Love Story

About the book:

Meridith can handle anything: guardianship of three distant siblings, a dilapidated Bed-and-Breakfast, even an ever-present handyman who's dismantling more than her fireplace--or can she?

When the death of Meridith's estranged father leaves her with custody of three siblings she's never met, she reluctantly goes to Nantucket to care for them--but only until their uncle returns from his trip. Little does she know, the uncle is already there under the guise of her friendly handyman, with plans of his own.

Will the love that grows between them be strong enough to overcome the secrets that brought them both to Driftwood Lane?

My review:

Driftwood Lane is another fabulous romance by Denise Hunter. I loved how she made a compelling case for her heroine's fear and used the family pet to illustrate that in a Pavlovian way that made sense to the reader and to the hero. Not that she compared her to a dog, but the fear was the same. Different causes, but same overwhelming need to protect and preserve. Growing up with a mentally ill mother and a father who essentially abandoned her was a key part of the need she had to control everything about her life.

The cool thing about true love is the out of control feeling it gives. You love it and it scares you at the same time. This was so well illustrated. You crave what you need and want to run screaming at the same time. Ms. Hunter really laid a solid foundation for these characters and continually put the heroine in situations where she had to let the hero get one step closer. This novel was well thought out and had a forward moving plot despite the slower pacing. I really enjoyed how the tension kept building and how it helped her to see that what she thought was love before was simply settling for security. I am sure that some women who are dating men who are merely "safe" will read this book and rethink what they are doing in their love lives. This story really makes you think about that.

True love requires trust and if there is no trust things never go deeper. Unfortunately things started out based on a lie. The author made a compelling case for why he kept his identity from her. Better than most. The foundation was solid as was the many reasons why it never seemed to be the right time to tell the truth. The necessary blowout for any good romance novel was well done.

Though the heroine was a new Christian, she handled it like anyone would. Second guessing things, doubting herself, worrying about how this might apply in other ways to trust, etc. But ultimately the problem is worked through. I found this aspect of the novel very believable, too. A lot of times the "dark moment" feels forced or a bit fake. This felt real to me. I know whenever I read one of this author's books that I'll get a solid romance. I have read all of her books in this series to date with the exception of the second book. I need to pull it out and read it soon! Meanwhile, this story is making my favorites list for 2010. I read it in less than two days!

Thank you, Wynn Wynn for sending me a review copy of this book. :)


Janet Thompson said...

sounds like a really good read!
Ok, in answer to your question....
I say lay our cards on the table and see what happens!! I hope I'd be at least 25 years younger if this scenario really happened!

Casey said...

I would first make sure he was a Christian and what values he has.

I REALLY want to read this book! Like, really, really bad want to read. Like BUY if I don't win it type of bad. :) So please enter me. Thank you. :D


Anonymous said...

I'd be inviting him to stay for dinner a few times. (The way to a man's heart .... ) :)

I would love to win this book.


Anonymous said...

I'd kiss him, of course!
This book has been on my wish list for a while. Thanks for the giveaway!
Joy Tamsin David

joy g lee g @

wackywages said...

I would wait till the repairs were done first. :)
When repairs were done, I would let him know that I would love to see him again, on a non-working environment and make sure he still had my number. I would then wait for him to call me.

Pamela Keener said...

Hey I would talk to him and see if he is interested in sitting down for a cup of coffee, tea or even better hot chocolate.
Love & Hugs,

angie said...

I would be very flattered and see where it went from there. Thanks for the giveaway!

Pink Panther said...

I would flirt like crazy and bat my eyelashes so much that they fall off. Of course. After all, he is interested in me. Not like I would flung myself onto him if he doesn't seem interested. I would not. Ok, maybe just a little bit.

Anyway, I would grab this chance like a lifeline and see if there are any sparkles along the way. :)

You can reach me at

Giveaway Lady said...

This sounds like a very interesting plot:) Would love to win it. And in answer to your question, I would say, go right ahead!! I am single and not really looking. But if he was right there in front of me:) What else are you supposed to do:D

Anonymous said...

I am shy at the beginning so I might ask him if he would like some coffee or tea and put some scrumptious cookies on the table.
I would wait for him to ask me out.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Pink Panther I would flirt like it was goin' outta stile!
This book sounds so good! I want to read it so bad!
please enter me.

windycindy said...

I would show interest back to him!
Then, let life take its' course...
Many thanks, Cindi

Ashley E said...


Okay, in reality I would probably be really shy and blush, but a girl can dream...

Anyway, this book sounds really good. I love Denise Hunter anyway. :) Thanks for the contest!

Karen said...

I'd make a delicious dinner and invite him to stay;)

apple blossom said...

I'd keep thinking of jobs that need done to keep him coming. Invite him to some luscious food. Offer snacks and the likes. And by all means apply the make-up and dress to catch his eye, not necessarily sexy but not like a bum.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Sylvia said...

What would I do? Well, I would pray very, very hard and get good advice. I'd also find out about his family, etc.

Oh, I loved this book when I checked it out of the library. Please include me in the drawing. Thank you!


Julia M. Reffner said...

I would pray and want to get to know him better and make sure our belief system in Christ is shared.


Unknown said...

Hmmm, this could be a lot of fun. I'd make sure to always have something more for him to fix. I might pretend or arrange for something to break or not work like it should and allow him to find the answer like....plugging in the toaster or the coffee pot to make it work. And, then play dumb; compliment him to boost his ego. While he is there working, I would always bake something to tantalize his taste sense and invite him to take a break to sit down with me for milk or coffee and cookies and chat. Of course I'd always be clean and neatly dressed and scented sweetly. That's just a start. The story appeals to me and is unique. I would like to read this one. Thanks Denise for offering a copy of your book for giveaway; and Michelle, I appreciate this chance to win. I hope I do!!

Sharing Christ's Love,
Barb Shelton
barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

justpeachy36 said...

I would probably start talking to him and seeing if we hand anything in common, etc. etc. etc. I can see taking the risk that something really great might come out of it.

Please enter me in the giveaway.

Nancye said...

Sooooo, I'm totally single, right?? You're sure? If I am really and truly single, then why not? I'd probably go out with him and see what happened! :) This book sounds great! I would love to win it! :)

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

rbooth43 said...

Well, I would let the attraction and relation progress naturally. If it happens, thats great. But take things slow, if believe that if it's to be, it will be. if not, he's not the right person.
I would love to read the book and see how she handles the relationship.

karenk said...

i would get to know him...and see what we had in common...great question.

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower. I would love to read this book. It sounds really good. In answer to your question, if he showed romantic interest in me, I would give him a chance. We both would need to get to know one another. Go out on dates, take long walks and just talk. I am pretty shy so he would have to deal with that but than I am a hopeless romantice. I hope he would be romantic also. Also, I would have to put my faith in the Lord that this guy is my soulmate and we were met to be together. Please enter me in contest.

Holly said...

I am really shy, so I probably wouldn't do anything. This sounds like potentially the most fun read of the Nantucket series so far. I loved the last two and can't wait to read this one.


Anonymous said...

I am single so I probably will try and talk to him, and maybe be brave enough to ask him on a date.


Emily said...

Awesome giveaway!
Please enter me!

deb said...

Please seign me up!

John said...

Please enter me!

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...


Edgy Inspirational Author said...

Oh, and if I don't hear back from Ley soon (since she left no contact info) I will pick another winner. Just an FYI.

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