We used some of the comments to improve your options. Here is the book description again...
What happened in the hearts of Tony Perotta and Hope Williams after they went their separate ways? Did they ever struggle with memories from their past relationship, or with wishing things would've turned out differently? Did they have regrets and as the result have dreams for their lives that went unfulfilled? Was trust ever restored in their homes after their lives crashed and burned around them? Did they ever heal enough to enjoy their marriages as before, or were they even worse off after their sin was exposed? Did each experience true remorse and repentance because of their sin, or was it just the shame of being caught that made them hang their heads?
Their Separate Ways is the story about the year following the exposure of Tony and Hope's extramarital affair. It's an honest and close-up look at the inner workings of each of their hearts as they reflect on their short-lived affair and the painful memories. Experience with them the vast difference between couples who know true forgiveness and who have hope, and those who don't.
Remember to consider the description. Now for those cover options...
What happened in the hearts of Tony Perotta and Hope Williams after they went their separate ways? Did they ever struggle with memories from their past relationship, or with wishing things would've turned out differently? Did they have regrets and as the result have dreams for their lives that went unfulfilled? Was trust ever restored in their homes after their lives crashed and burned around them? Did they ever heal enough to enjoy their marriages as before, or were they even worse off after their sin was exposed? Did each experience true remorse and repentance because of their sin, or was it just the shame of being caught that made them hang their heads?
Their Separate Ways is the story about the year following the exposure of Tony and Hope's extramarital affair. It's an honest and close-up look at the inner workings of each of their hearts as they reflect on their short-lived affair and the painful memories. Experience with them the vast difference between couples who know true forgiveness and who have hope, and those who don't.
Remember to consider the description. Now for those cover options...
Cover 1
Cover 2
Cover 3
Cover 4
Cover 5
Still drawn to #2.
DEFINITELY not cover 4! That girl looks scary LOL! I like #5 but I'm not sure about the bright green cover! It's too happy to match the seriousness of the cover blurb. I think maybe I still like #2 the best. Hope I helped a little!
XOXO~ Renee
I still say number 2. It's my favorite and really gives the tone of the book. IMO. It will be exciting to see what the winning cover is. :)
I still like #2 as well. It speaks volumes to me. The others do not.
Actually, I still like No. 1.
I like 3. A no to 4...I agree, she looks scary.
I like #2 because of the guy, but the lady looks to happy for how the book sounds...the guy looks like he has a bit of remorse and the lady is all wimsical..but its the best cover out of all of them. :)
I'd have to say..... it's a tie between #2 & #5. I like the pic,,font and background color of #2 but, something about #5 is just begging me to read it. Sorry I couldn't be more help, Michelle.
Love Ya,
I like 5, 3 is ok too but 5 shows that for one they have moved on to new hope or new life the other looks like hes despondent.
dont like 4 the lady looks angry.
I like cover 2 the best, for itself. BUT, it gives the message that they went 'their separate ways' and the guy is bummed and the girl is FINALLY happy that they went their separate ways. I don't think that's what the book is about. Though it could also coincide with the MEMORY of how happy she was. So, I would say if the book is about their memories of how 'wonderful' it was, and how depressed they are now about it, then #5 would win.
Cover 1 is still my favorite, followed by 5. Even though it seems a little obvious, and I am not fond of the color. 4 the girl is just too much. 3 is okay, but the color is off, and the size difference in the pictures is a little topheavy. It wouldn't be bad if it was just the top picture. I still don't like 2. She is too happy.
#2 - is still my pick.
So #1 for me still. Ladystorm is spot on, the contrast between the guy and the girl just doesn't fit.
If you pushed me for another choice, then #5
Have fun choosing!
I still like 2, but 3 and 5 are the next best. I don't like the bright green on 5 and think 3 would be better. I like how the covers show how happy they were before they separated. I think instead of the title being Their Separate Ways, you could just have two words for it, Separate Ways. Just a thought. I want to read this one!
I still like #2 the best...it's HOT. However, I would choose another font for 2. That font is soooooooooooo common! I would still use a fancy script, but just a different one.
1. It looks like a Jason murder scene.
3. Okay, but the colors are so blah and says boring.
4. No!
5. Okay, less the colors... The river picture/colors is all wrong.
I like #5. The colors are very attractive and this is the kind of cover I would pick up and want to read the story.
I still pick #2. It carries more emotion pull for me than any of the others.
I love the new title, but I agree Separate Ways would be even better. From a design standpoint, I think cover 1 is the best, especially if a woman could be photoshopped into the background on the road, so that they seem to be looking at each other, with her, in effect, set to leave him...but hesitating. She'd have to be mood-appropriate and maybe kinda ethereal.
#2 is good, but the lady is way too happy. Again, you need somebody mood-appropriate to the feel of the story. #3 is okay, but the juxtaposition of those two separate images doesn't really work well, does it? Definitely NO on #4 and #5.
I like #3.
Still #2. I like 3 also, but not as much as 2. So fun being part of this. :)
call me crazy, but l am still with number 1.... Percy
if l were not to read the back cover and just pick by the look of the cover, this is the book lwould want to read...
Number 2!!! Very nice!!!
Katie M
Now that I know this guy and woman are not husband and wife, I still like cover #1. Cover #4 is okay too. The others still seem to falsely suggest that they are or could be a couple.
Still like #2. Don't care for the others at all. Except for #1. But #2 is the best.
Debra Ullrick, author of The Bride Wore Coveralls
Hi Michelle!!
I really love the first one best, followed by the third cover.
I'm drawn to both #2 and #3. I like the font on 2. But I'm still drawn towards 3 as well. I'm torn. I'd say either 2 or 3 would be great. :)
I still say # 2 it just draws me and shows the separation. I love it!
It looks like many people like #2, and I like that one. I am at a toss up with liking #5 better. Thanks for sharing these.
Of the ones posted, I think #2 is the strongest. I wonder if a split cover would be more effective if the split were vertical rather than horizontal to illustrate the "separate" ways. Just an opinion, I'm sure the graphic designer will come up with something brilliant. :-)
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