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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Now I'm giving away So Long Status Quo by Susy Flory

To enter for a chance to win this book simply post a comment that answers this question... Is there a woman in history who has inspired you to want to more to improve the world you live in? If so, who is this woman, and why does she inspire you? I'll pick a winner through the Randomizer program next Sunday.

About the book:

Susy Flory's life was a lot like her couch--comfy, slumberous, and safe. She was a happy suburban wife and mom who enjoyed her couch-like cocoon and avoided suffering and uncomfortable situations at all costs. Then she met Rosie... Eleanor...Elizabeth...and Jane. Now, her life will never be the same.

So Long, Status Quo is the powerful story of how nine amazing historical women inspired a suburban mom to abandon her safe, sheltered, vanilla existence for a life of passion, service, and significance. With challenging insight and honesty, Susy Flory shares about her struggles with selfishness and complacency and tells how the lives of these fascinating women challenged her to get up off her couch and embark on a quest for something more. Venturing into unusual and even dangerous places, she followed their example and found herself working alongside local immigrant farm workers, serving needy children on a secret humanitarian mission to Cuba, feeding homeless people at midnight, helping to reach out to sexually trafficked teens, and selling her jewelry to fund freshwater wells in Darfur, Sudan.

Inspiring, convicting, and transformational, So Long, Status Quo challenges women to examine their lives and answer this question: what are you doing to get God's work done in the world? Whether it's by sharing your faith like Perpetua or getting your hands dirty like Rosie the Riveter, Susy's story invites women of all ages to say goodbye to their old, couch-comfy lives and become women who make a difference in their world.


fredamans said...

The first woman that is not my mother, that comes to mind is Oprah. Cliché I know, but all she has done, and I'm sure will continue to do, is inspiring to anyone.


Julia M. Reffner said...

One woman that comes to mind is Deborah from the Bible. Here is a wife and mother filled with extraordinary courage and faith that God used for His purposes.


Nancye said...

One woman that I have always admired is Mother Teresa. It is amazing that such a small woman could have as much influence on others and a heart to help. She is definitely a powerful role model to many. To see all that she has accomplished so much is an inspiration to me.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Anonymous said...

other than my mom and my grandma, my sister in law who brought me to the Lord when l was a child, she is such a God fearing woman, l wish l could be more like her!! Percy

Paris said...

I admire a lot of different women, but Lucille Ball was on my mind. When she was in highschool, her drama teacher sent her home with a note saying she couldn't act. Boy was she wrong!

Anonymous said...

My Mom...deceased...a dedicated Christian and was the kindest woman I ever knew. She loved doing for others; had beauty salon until 87 YO and if ladies could not pay,she said ok. She never complained of being tired when anyone needed anything.
Please enter me for this book.

cindy said...

The First woman that comes to mind, that's hard, because there are several women in the Bible who were give notice for there bravery, wisdom, inter-beauty and servant heart. I still like the woman at the well. She leaves everything, even her water jug- source of life; to go and tell what Jesus has done for her. I enjoy you books, keep writing and changing woman just like Jesus changed and set free the Woman at the Well.

Esther Miriam Lopez said...

The woman that comes to my mind is Mary Magdalene who was faithful to Jesus till the end, eventhough she did not have the faith that He would rise from the dead, she was just faithful right till the end and He appeared to her first when He resurrected. She was a true faithful servant. She also gives hope to all of us...imagine former prostitute/loose woman ---sins forgive=new creation in Christ--faithful servant = previledge of the first to see the risen Christ. I personally was a Mary Magdalene and I hope in my end He will call me His faithful servant :) Mary Magdalene gives me the hope that He will!!!

Esther Miriam Lopez said...

I left out Esther from the bible whom I am named after. She was willing to die for her people...God saved many through her...Coming from my pre-Christ Mary Magdalene history, I look up to Esther, and know that God named me Esther for a reason...Gives me much hope...Thanx for your blog and book giveaway program...God in Him...

Anonymous said...

One woman who has always inspired me was Rose Kennedy. Before her, people with disablities were not to be seen in public, but rather institionalized. When she started the Special Olympics, it became the first step to acceptance in public. She took a stand so her daughter with down's syndrome would be able to live normally.

SuperMom said...

Esther comes to mind first and foremost to me.
She is the women I like to study the most in the Bible.
She followed God even though she knew it might lead to her death. She was also faithful when her status went from poor to rich. Not all can say that!

ladyverlina AT yahoo DOT com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...

Jackie Smith!

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