About the Book:
Dottie Meyers, 35, is a real-life Dorothy Gale living with her little black dog on a small farm in Kansas that's about to be hit by a tornado. Knocked unconscious by the storm, she awakes three months later at a recovery facility in California where her father, last seen when she was four, has left her a mysterious pair of ruby slippers.
But unlike The Wizard of Oz, this isn't a dream, and the yellow brick road journey that Dottie and three friends are about to take from Los Angeles to Seattle in search of her dad will show the realities of a broken childhood. More importantly, everything connected to those sparkling red shoes will prove to Dottie that there's only one true wonder worker behind the so-called curtain who can heal her wounds and prepare the heart for love.
My thoughts:
I've read the first five chapters of this book today and it is GOOD! I am definitely going to finish it. Leanna knows how to write a powerful, emotionally gripping story. I know this because I totally loved Elvis Takes a Back Seat! Awesome read!
Hi Michelle. I think I've watched it about 9 times. There was a time when it was too scary for me! I haven't seen it in ages. I'm pretty positive none of my kids have seen it. They only like certain shows...don't know how to explain it without them sounding strange. :)
Please enter me to win Leanna's book.
Mimi B
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
Living in Kansas most of my life, it was a given that we watched Wizard of Oz every year. How many times have I seen it? I would guess at least a dozen times. I want this book :) I'm giving contests like this a try for a bit, but if I don't end up winning it somewhere, I am definately buying this book.
I remember seeing The Wizard of Oz when I was a little girl and it was in black and white on our TV.
I think, over the years, I've seen it apprx. 18-23 times. Its hard to pin down one number!
I've seen it many times in black and white and many times in colour!
this looks like a good read please enter me
ausjenny at gmail dot com
My family had a tradition of watching
the Wizard of Oz after Thanksgiving
dinner! Along with my childhood watching of the movie and now with my own family, I have watched this movie at least 22 times. The book sound fantastic. Please enter me in your drawing.
Thanks very much.....Cindi
I think I've watched it at least 15 times! It used to come on every year, so I would curl up and watch with my Mom. "Follow the yellow brick road.."
I use to watch it every year as a child, but I haven't seen it much as a adult, but I would say at least 15 times or more.
This book sounds like a cool read.
You've piqued my interest with your review,I hope the journey ends happily with her re-uniting with her father.
I enjoyed Elvis Takes a Back Seat too. Have been wanting to read this one so I'd love to win it.
I've probably watched the Wizard of Oz six or eight times. My supervisor did a neat leadership training thing using the movie.
I don't think I've ever watched it on television (no tv growing up) but I think I've watched it 20 or 30 times on video.
I must have watched the movie about 30 times... one of those year must watch movies.
I have seen TWOO about a million times! when I was really little (2 or 3 years old), I watched it and I cried and cried because Dorothy had to leave all her friends in the Emerald City and go back to Kansas. My mom remembers wondering if she should have allowed me to watch it, I was sobbing so much! LOL What a great film. I have it on VHS tape still, & now I feel like watching it again...
I think I've seen it about the same amount as you, Michelle. My kids just saw it for the first time during the summer, and they liked it--although my 8 year old knew right away that the man who led them into the Oz's throne room was actually Oz.
sallybradleywrites AT gmail dot com
Okay, my earliest memory is at five years old. At least once a year. Then there are the multiples with my own kids. I'm going with 60 times.
Wow, what a question.... and in all actuality I have no clue how many times I have seen Wizard Of Oz. It is a movie that I still, at 32, watch each and every year.
Looks like a great read... thank you for the entry.
I can't begin to guess how many times I've seen it, but not really all that many. The first time I saw it was as a child on tv; like someone else we had a black and white tv, so I never realized it changed to color! When as a teenager I saw it again, I was so disappointed that they had "colorized" the movie! My parents had to inform me that no, actually the movie changes from black and white to color, then back again at the end. My children have never seen the movie, yet somehow they know "The Lollipop Guild" song! Lots of fun.
momofjimmy [at] yahoo [dot] com
I've seen it at least 10 times. I remember watching it many times when I was a child.
I've watched it once. That was enough.
I have no idea how many times I've watched the movie. At least a half dozen probably.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
The books sounds wonderful. As far as Wizard of Oz, it was definitely an annual thing for me until I became an adult. Now my oldest daughter wants to watch it all the time (and my youngest likes the Veggie Tale version :) I guess I've probably seen it around 30 times. Oh boy!
I watched the movie more times than I could count growing up (when it was only in black and white even). It has been years now since I have seen it. Looking forward to the possibility of winning the book!
Maybe at least a dozen or more. I LOVE that movie.
Please enter me into the contest. I so want to read this book.
I've watched about 10-15 times. My daughter who is 10- has watched it about 5 times so far with me.
This book sounds great- I think I would really like it.
Please enter me to win!
As a girl I watched it several times, but not as many as most on here! I'd say around ten or more times. :-)
Please enter me in the drawing! Thanks!
I'm looking forward to reading this.
I've only watched "Oz" maybe 3 times!
My parents had taped the movie off of TV so I could watch it whenever I wanted while I was growing up. How many times did I see it? Probably 15. It wasn't my favorite, but it was lots of fun. :-)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh Michelle, I am sure I have seen the Wizard of Oz at least------25 x's. I have 2 daughters and we had to watch it every year for about 9-10 yrs and then we had to watch it in between. But, you know, every time I see it I swear every time I watched it, I saw something that I had never seen before!! Maybe old age is getting me back!! LOL I can still say I like it! I hear my grown children still warn the other about the flying monkeys getting them! LOL Please enter me in the contest for the drawing.
Thanks, Lela, Missouri
bubbysgammaw[at]peoplepc[dot] com
I have to admit I've never watched it. Sounds hard to believe, but it's true.
I am sure that I have seen The Wizard of Oz probably 20 times. Like you said, it was an annual event when I was young. Thanks for the book give away.
Gail Mundy
I would have to say I have seen the Wizard of Oz at least 16 times.
lovejessicamarie [@] gmail [.] com
I would venture to say I've watched The Wizard of Oz arount 12-13 times. For as old as it is, it was done so fantasticallly.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I have probably watched The Wizard of Oz at least 15 - 20 times. It is one that my kids also continue to watch each time it is on. It is a classic. I would love to win a copy of this book. Please enter me in the contest. My email address is shryackmom[@]charter[.]net
Since I am in my early 50's, I would guesstimate that I watched the Wizard of Oz more than 30 times. If you ever get the chance to see "Wicked" the broadway musical you will love it as it makes us care about the Wicked Witch......realize that she wasn't always bad but circumstances beyond her control led her life of evil.
I would LOVE to win this book.
Gayla Collins
I would so love to read this book! I think it would be a great one for my book group on Goodreads also..I just became a follower and I'm adding you to my contest sidebar! Thanks so much!!
Love all the comments! Hi, Michelle and all y'all! For those who haven't seen Wizard of Oz, check it out. It is one of those classics that holds up through the years. Whoever wins the book ... congrats!
Blessings, Leanna
Sorry I totally forgot to answer the question..Oz was an annual event in my house every year without fail..I wanted to BE Dorothy when I was a little girl, but I have to admit, the flying monkey still scare the jeepers out of me..LOL
I know I have seen it at least 20 times, maybe more. Like you, it was an annual event growing up and it continued with my children who are now grown.
Would love to win Ruby's Slippers. I have enjoyed the other books by Leanna Ellis that I have read.
I too have watched about 20 times on TV. It's neat seeing it through my children's eyes now. Although some of the scenes look hokey compared to today's techology, I still love it! We even have a little dog that looks like Toto named RUBY!
cmrobin at bellsouth net
At my age, I would have to say that I have seen The Wizard of Oz at least 30 times over the years. I seen it almost every year. Nice giveaway. Please enter me.
I have only seen it a few times but I love it. As a kid I saw the live action version show and I loved it so much. Great movie!
On television, I probably watched it about 10 times. We know own it on video and watch it at least once a year. It's an all time family favorite. Thank you for the entry.
I have watched the wizard of oz 6 times.this book looks so wonderful to read please enter me thanks
My daughter loved this movie, so I can't begin to count the number of times we watched it while she was growing up. I even bought her an Avon figurine of Dorothy which she treasures to this day. And I've come to appreciate this movie from a whole different perspective as an adult.
I loved Elvis Takes a Back Seat and can't wait to read this one.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
I would love to win this book because it sounds fascinating, but even if I don't it will go on my wish list.
Growing up, the kids in our neighborhood would all gather at one of the houses and watch the movie whenever it came on TV (usually at a specific time each year). Of course, the flying monkeys scared me!
God bless, Kim
Hmm.. that's a toughy. I think I've seen it only a few times on tv. At the most 5. :)
lets see l am 42, and have been watching it yearly since l was like 5, or so l can remember so 5-42 is 37, right? l think so, that means l have watched it 37 times! whew wee!! not to mention going to OZ fest in chitnango ny walking on the yellow brick sidewalks!! Percy...
I can't remember how many times I watched Wizard of Oz as a kid...but it was at least a yearly tradition...remember back before VCR's when they'd show Superman, Wizard of Oz, and Sound of Music all around Christmas?
I also read the unabridged version of the book a few times as well. It was always a favorite of mine (once I got past being scared of the witch when I was really young)!!
Would love to win this book!!
WE have a tradition of watching it while unwinding from Thanksgiving dinner... it is one of my favorite movies, and I am totally loving the OZ revival of Wicked!
I would love to be included in your giveaway, and of course I will be adding this to my Amazon WishList just in case I dont win!
This looks like a wonderful read, and I'd love to be added to your giveaway list. Thank you. I enjoyed the review of this book, and others you've reviewed in the past blog posts.
and the winner is...
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