Here you go! Two proofreaders commented after they zipped through the book checking for typos. The first said this as a comment... (I don't know this person so she isn't trying to flatter me).
"Clear the calendar and grab the Kleenex, because you won't be able to put this book down. This is the most "real" work of fiction I've ever read. Written in the style of a memoir, Never Without Hope offers insight, wisdom, and hope relevant to any stage of marriage. Whether you are suffering for the despair of an affair, or, like Hope, feel yourself above such temptation there is something to be gleaned from this novel. It serves as a warning to guard your heart and mind against the wiles of the enemy. It reminds us that our behavior toward our spouse can leave them susceptible to temptation. It also teaches us the importance of welcoming those among us that have fallen prey to an affair with compassion and offer them a forgiveness and hope beyond earthly comprehension. This book is must have resource for pastors and marriage counselors. I highly recommend it to anyone who feels or has felt that their marriage is "without hope". Two thumbs way up!"
(a secondary note was added but not part of the review itself...see below.)
I loved it Michelle! Why do I have a feeling that this book is going to the top! Move over 'Shack-Man'... Michelle Sutton is 'in the house'!! :)
From your lips to God's ears, Tina!
Oops, I found a typo in my review: it should say "suffering from the despair of an affair" instead of "for". I can't wait to read all the reviews when this book goes public!
Awesome review by a young lady who will someday be receiving her own reviews from readers.
Donald James Parker
Author of Against the Twilight
That's so cool! I'm sure you'll be receiving even more great reviews! So exciting!
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