Here is the deal. There are some themes and there are different effects. This top book is decided on. It WILL be the first cover for the first book. The second book deals with their lives as they leave the affair and return to their families and that is why it's titled Their Separate Ways. Now it's not a glorification of sin, but rather a look at the consequences of sin even when you repent and turn away from it. That said, these two covers below are consistent in theme for the books. The next two books are split covers to show them individually and how they are dealing with things emotionally. That's why the guy looks sad and the girl looks happy. One knows the Lord and the other does not. So the bottom two pics are the other options, however the pics for the first one (guy on top) cost five times more for the photos than the second one (guy on bottom). So this is it. It's either going to be one of the beds to go with the first book, or the split cover showing them separately. If we use the one with the people on the cover it needs to feel closest to the first book so people see that it is a series. Okay, now comments are appreciated. Even if the cover you like isn't picked, I hope you would still consider reading the novels in order, unless you are under 18. These stories contain adult situations and therefore and not appropriate for teens. I would rather not have a cover that teens would be attracted to for that reason. That's why the first cover has a bed on it. Thanks!
And the second set here...
I like the fourth cover for Their Seperate Ways! But they are all awesome covers, I can see why you need help deciding
In Christs Love
I like cover #2 best. Overall I like both the bed photo covers as they seem to complement the cover for the first book.
Ok now that you explained what is going on LOL I think I would go with the bed with the roses. Even though I like the covers with the man and woman they look completely different from Never Without Hope and therefor I would not think they were books in the same series.
Hope I helped a little
XOXO~ Renee
I don't like the guy on the bottom, so if it's cost that is to be considered, I'd choose the bed without the flowers. It makes a stronger statement of the consequences of infidelity.
stay with the beds, keeps a theme going and looks sexier ;) Percy...
I agree with Linda about choosing the bed without the flowers. Especially since your first book has the flowers and the bed. The second one w/out would definitely show the statement of what infidelity can do to a marriage.. :)
I would take the third picture, without the flowers. The flowers symbolize romance, with none, the flowers are gone. It is a good continuation of the first book. I think it is a good idea to use the beds for both covers. The consumer without knowing anything about the books or even reading the jacket cover, it would seem they were a series. (great for marketing)
I do like both the split covers. But I think in keeping with the them I have to agree with Linda and Lynn about using the bed without the roses.
Renee has a point, but as long as the book says on the cover that is part of that series, I don't see the problem
Let me say first off, I love your Bk 1 cover.
If I were choosing Bk2, I still think I would go with the second one down here in the left hand corner.
That is just my opinion and I can't wait until the final decision is made. :)
Well, if cost is a factor, then I would choose the bed with the roses. It also is closer to the first cover than the one with the people (although I still like the #2 cover). =)
Boy, I'm right on the cutoff age here (although I'm almost 19 now!). But, if it's still alright to give my opinion, I think the emotional impact of Cover 4 is powerful (the last cover). However, I agree with Renee that, in order to perhaps deter younger readers and show a connection to the first book, Cover 1 does a good job.
Hope that helps!
I like the first cover -- the one showing the rose petals fallen from the stem. You can definitely tell it's a sequel to the original.
I like the bed with the roses it looks the closest to the first but I also Like the third one with the man with his head against the wall that one has been my favorite from the first time you had covers!! I have just fallen in love with it, it's gorgeous that would be my pick hands down !! :)
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