Five Quick Ways to Rev up Your Site's Searchability
1) Content is king, so are keywords. Find the keywords that people are searching on for your market and then create content around those words.
2) Don't abuse keywords. Have you ever seen those sites that seem to use keywords over and over again (i.e. keyword stuffing)? That's an abuse of keywords and while it might temporarily inflate your search engine ranking, it won't last. Once Google figures out what you're doing (and trust me they will) your site ranking will drop drastically. It's not pretty.
3) Google runs the world. Well, not really but they certainly do run the Internet. If you're going to optimize your site for ranking, make sure that it shows up high on Google; in the end it's the main search engine we default to and the one that matters to your consumer. Studies show that an average web site gets 61% of its traffic from search engines, 41% of that from Google alone.
4) This stuff takes time. Nothing happens overnight, especially online (unless you're a dancing pancake video that gets sent out to a billion people in a 4 hour time span). Ranking and searchability takes times. If you have a book launching in the next 3-6 months, start this work now. You'll be glad you did.
5) Update your site. While updating your site in principle might seem like an easy thing, it can be one of the biggest obstacles for a site owner. Why? Because often our web site people are overseas and once that 12 year old from Lithuania goes back to school it's anyone's guess how to find him. So here's a tip: get a blog - a blog (if updated frequently) will ping the search engines and let them know you have fresh content on your site. Oh, and seriously, fire the 12 year old and hire someone locally. You'll be glad you did.
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Copyright 2009 Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
Great insights for revving up a site. I need to do something! Thanks.
Good stuff.
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by d way,
keep blogging
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