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Sunday, September 09, 2012

New giveaway! Enter for a chance to win Mother of Pearl by Kellie Gilbert

About the book:

Barrie Graeber has two great kids, a loving husband, and a respected job as a high school counselor in her close-knit community. Without warning, everything unravels when her teenage daughter, Pearl, is betrayed by friends and lashes out.

Nothing prepares this mother for the helplessness that follows when her attempts to steer her daughter back on course fail and Pearl shuts her out . . . or when she discovers the unthinkable about her nemesis, the football coach.

Emotionally riveting and profoundly moving, MOTHER OF PEARL brings us into the heart of a mother bound by an incredible burden, who ultimately finds she must recognize her own vulnerability and learn to trust in something much bigger.

My thoughts:

I haven't read the book but it sounds good.

Now for the question:  

What part of the description of this book grabs your attention? A winner will be selected using the Randomizer program next Sunday.


Andrea said...

I would enjoy reading a book about a mother trying to help her teenage daughter.

Anonymous said...

A mother trying to help her teenage daughter. Please enter me in contest.

apple blossom said...

close knit community

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

windycindy said...

I always enjoy reading books that
have interesting family dynamics
as part of the plot!
Having a teenage daughter that goes off course and the part of the football coach is also intriguing!
Many thanks, Cindi

Norma S said...

Thank you for giving me a chance to win your giveaway book " Mother of Pearl ". What grabs my attention is what is going on with her daughter, Pearl and the football coach and when she recognize she needs help from someone greater,God. God bless you.

eclairre said...

I want to know what happens next, after Pearl shuts out her mother. eclairre(at)ymail(dot)com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is... apple blossom!

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

Okay, Apple Blossom won the same book on another site so.... here we go again.

The winner is... eclairre!

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