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Sunday, December 18, 2011

New giveaway! Enter for a chance to win Love Finds You in Folly Beach, South Carolina by Loree Lough

For a chance to enter the contest to win this book simply answer this question... would you go to the beach for Christmas vacation even if it meant leaving the snow and the fireside behind? Just curious. Have fun!

About the book:

When marine biologist Holly Leonard agrees to help Parker Brant write a book on giant sea turtles, she expects a charming and charismatic charter boat captain-not the strait-laced, all-business dud who greets her.

For his part, Parker is surprised to find that Dr. Leonard is not the matronly grandmother he expected but a blue-eyed beauty who's lively, fun- and a total klutz. Unfortunately, the harder Holly tries to shed her "Holly Folly" nickname, the clumsier she becomes.

Holly has breezed into Parker's well-ordered world like a hurricane-but will he welcome the disruption?

My thoughts:

I don't have this book so I can't say anything about it. Sorry!


Rebecca said...

I would not go to the beach for Christmas vacation because it just doesn't seem like the right setting for Christmas. It is not what I am used to.

Thanks for the chance to win this.


Lourdes said...

In a heartbeat! If I want to see snow of a fireplace I can look at a post card LOL!


Martha A. said...

Oh no, I love the snow and don't like the heat!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I would go to the beach. I don't love the snow or cold. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

Paula said...

I would not go to the beach. I am not really a beach person. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't go to the beach I would stay and enjoy the snow. I absolutely love the snow there's so much the family can do when it snows. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. Please enter my name for a chance to win. saradawson09 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Hull.Margaret said...

Yes, I live in Florida, so don't ever have snow at Christmas, and I don't have a firplace, even though right now it is to hot for one anyway. So if my family all went with me, I would love to spend Christmas at the beach.

Jackie S. said...

Why sure...and AM going! 'Cause that's where daughter fact, a beach near Folly! Therefore, I am very anxious to read this book. Thanks for the chance!

Merry said...

I have enjoyed warm, beautiful Christmas' in Hawaii... wish I could go this year!
worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

Courtney said...

I would go!! I would to experience a warmer Christmas season just once. I don't think I'd like it every year but once in a while would be fun!

kcmelone at yahoo dot com

Heather Murphy said...

Well since I live close to the beach and it's going to be 78 degrees on Christmas, I have to say that I would rather be in the snow circled up by the fire. I don't even go to the beach in the summer. ha ha!

Andrea said...

I would not go to the beach for Christmas. I prefer the snow and colder temperatures. The beach sounds fun and exotic but I would much rather read about it!

Judy said...

I can't imagine leaving snow and colder temperatures behind at Christmas for the beach. I don't know, that is just part of the Christmas season for me. I can't explain it, I just feel that I'm closer to God sitting by a nice warm fire place while it snows outside and knowing that family will soon arrive. Counting my blessings by the fire place is where I want to be!

I would love to win a copy of, Love Finds You in Folly Beach, South Carolina.

Blessings and Merry Christmas!

Bethany said...

Oh yes, in an instant! I love the beach and will go there any chance I get :)

apple blossom said...

I'd take a change of beach for something different.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...


Heather Murphy said...

Thank you so much! I can't wait to read this book.

Heather Murphy said...

I received this book yesterday. Thanks again! I am so excited to start reading it.

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