About the book:
Penniless, pregnant, and newly widowed immigrant Rachel Gordon doesn’t believe her situation could get any worse...until she meets her new neighbors. Shortly after the War of 1812, Rachel and her husband set out from England for a plantation in South Carolina, which he had purchased sight unseen. However, while en route, Tom Gordon fell overboard and drowned, leaving Rachel, frightened and alone, to make a home for her and her newborn.
Can a battle-scarred American physician who comes to her rescue also heal her wounded heart?
My thoughts:
I have an e-copy of this book but haven't had the chance to review it yet. I plan to give it a try this week and maybe I'll be able to post a review by this weekend. Not sure yet.
I didnt see anywhere to enter for the book From this Day Forward.
GFC follower-amhengst
amhengst at verizon dot net
Oops forgot to answer the question.
Not having adequate medical care. Maybe not even having someone to deliver the baby and nothing for pain either.
amhengst at verizon dot net
I believe her greatest challenge would be finding a man to help take care of her and the child and being able to find work. And to take care or build her a place to stay. and work the farm.
That's a good question. I think the greatest challenge would be trying to come to terms with the fact that you are now completely alone to go through child birth and raising a child by yourself. I could imagine being totally frightened and uncertain what the future might hold.
I love the cover of this book. From This Day Forward, sounds like a good read. I would be thrilled to win a copy.
Judy B
I agree, in that time period having a man to take care of you and the child would be a challange. I think another obstacle would be the speculation or discrimination by others. Being pregnant and not having a husband around in that time could give others questions in their minds. Especially like in this book, she is new to the area and with her neighbors not knowing her and possibly not believing her story about her husband dying could be hard. This sounds like a great book. Please enter me to win. Thank you.
I would love to read this book. It sounds really good. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
To be alone, in a new place and without the comfort and security of a husband would make Rachel's life feel hopeless; as much of a mental battle as a physical one. Please include me in the drawing for From This Day Forward.
worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com
Oh My.. my mind went wild with this question, what would be the biggest challenge to a young pregnant widow in a strange new home? In my heart I put myself in her place, leaving a home she had known to be on a ship crossing a ocean to a brand new home, sight unseen, then loosing my husband.... I would pray that I would have a woman or some women in the new area to help me give birth to my child. The idea of not having a friend some one to really confide in would be very scary to me in this time of life....
Please put me in the giveaway!.. Would enjoy reading this to find out the true answer to this question...
I cannot even imagine what she would have gone through at that point in time. Coming to a new place is bad enough, but being pregnant and having to work and run a plantation is something we cannot even fathom nowadays. Would love to read and find out!
I think the hardest thing she would have to endure being alone and pregnant is the tough work involved in a plantation. There is so much that needs to be done and for her to do it alone would be hard and also the risk to the baby! This sounds like a great book! Thanks!
kcmelone at yahoo dot com
A lot of things would come into play in that time period and being alone and pregnant! Being new to a place,
finances, having a roof over one's
head, dealing with the not so kind
people, etc...
Many thanks, Cindi
i can't imagine delivering a baby knowing that you (or your newborn) may die in childbirth during this time period.
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I think dealing with criticism and rejection from others would be a great problem for her. I love Margaret's books and am anxious to read this one!
Thanks for the chance!
I think that the hardest part of being pregnant in the 1800's and being a widow would be what people would way behind my back. Did she really have a husband or not? And then when your time came to deliver, would you be alone or would there be help for you?
I would love to win this book and be able to share it with my daughter and her friends. i have some of Margaret Daley's other books. She a great writer.
It's funny so many of us thought the same thing. Would others believe she had really been married? Since she was new. The thought of being all alone with no family and having a baby is so frightening.
I think that being a young woman with a baby in a new place would be difficult and you would feel very much alone.I would love to be entered for the giveaway thanks
and the winner is...
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