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Saturday, May 22, 2010

My review of Reinventing Rachel by Alison Strobel (I'd give this book ten stars if I could!)

Reinventing Rachel Reinventing Rachel by Alison Strobel

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reinventing Rachel was so honest and well-written that I can see many lives being touched and changed by the life-changing themes in the story. This novel addresses some common questions and does it so naturally that I couldn't help being impressed. I loved how the author didn't just have her character going to the edge of the cliff, but had her dangling over the side several times and even slipping over the side on occasion. That kind of conflict makes up a powerful story, and Ms. Strobel did a fantastic job telling it. I truly empathized with and adored the characters. I literally hurt for them and rejoiced with them when they started to make better choices.

There were so many parts of Reinventing Rachel that hit on deep truths, I'm not sure where to start but will say that the author's insight blew my mind. I loved how the cynicism Rachel experienced was so genuinely written that it was easy for anyone to identify with...especially people who have grown up in the church. I loved how Rachel's attempt to live without a relationship with God was so realistically portrayed. It's hard to say much more without dropping spoilers into my review. I can attest to the fact that this awesome book contained great tension, romance, and heartache. I know they don't seem to go together well, but I felt all of those emotions, so I had to share. The edgy content in the story just made it even better.

I am so impressed with the books being published by David C. Cook these past few years that I know just about any book I pick up that they have published I will enjoy, with few exceptions (that was just a side note.) I highly recommend this book because it's not just entertaining, but powerfully written. It's making my best fiction for 2010 list!

View all my reviews >>


Rel said...

Great review, Michelle - I've had my eye on this one for a while :)

Julia M. Reffner said...

Great review, Michelle! Sounds like a great read and you didn't spoil any plot points, so that makes me more anxious to read.

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