I'll pick a winner's name next Sunday via the randomizer program. Peace!

About the book:
Sophie Frangos is torn between the love of two men and the promise that binds them all together. Markos Stavros loves Sophie from afar while battling his thirst for vengeance and his hunger for honor. Dino, his quiet and intelligent brother, simply wants to forget the horror that drove them from their Greek island home to start a new life in America. One of these sons of thunder offers a future she longs for, the other the past she lost. From the sultry Chicago jazz clubs of the roaring twenties to the World War II battlefields of Europe to a final showdown in a Greek island village, they'll discover betrayal, sacrifice and finally redemption. Most of all, when Sophie is forced to make her choice, shell learn that God honors the promises made by the Sons of Thunder.
oooh.. Love that idea of the book I would like to read.
In Man of His Word an Amish book two brothers loved the same girl.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Hey Michelle,
Drat! Michelle you took my example. But besides It's Not About Me, I don't know about two brothers in love with the same girl. How about two sisters in the bible? Leah and Rachel definitely fit the bill, of two siblings loving the same person.
Thank you for chance to win Sons of Thunder.I've heard some great reviews about this one. I'd love to enter the giveaway.
Love Ya,
I've never heard of that happening, but I'm sure it has. I would hope one of the brothers would kindly merely just back down.
humm got lots of brothers but dont recall them ever fighting over the same gal... but l would love to read it!! Percy :)
Please enter me, I enjoy Susan May Warren's books. :)
I have watched movies where two brothers have fallen in love with the same woman. Loving Leah and Follow the Stars Home, both Hallmark Hall of Fame Gold Crown movies.
I don't know of any brothers who loved the same girl, but I know of two cousins who did. Fortunately, that situation worked out well.
I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.
Please enter me in the giveaway
Don't know of two brothers loving same girl!! Would love to read this one....please enter me. Thanks!!!
Wow! This book looks really good! I have never known anyone in a situation where two brothers are in love with the same woman, but I have read a different book that has just that! :-) In fact, I am reading it for the first time right now and enjoying it!
Please enter me in the give away! I'd LOVE to win Sons of Thunder!!
Katie M
and the winner is...
Katie M!!!
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