About the Book:
Christophe, the Count of St. Laurent, has lost his entire family to the blood-soaked French Revolution and must flee to an ancient castle along the southern border of France to survive. But the medieval city of Carcassonne proves more than a hiding place. Here Christophe meets the beautiful widow Scarlett, a complex and lionhearted woman suddenly taken by the undercover aristocrat's passion for astronomy and its influence upon his faith. Although their acquaintance begins brightly enough, when the Count learns that Scarlett is related to the man who murdered his family, he turns from love and chooses revenge. Heaven only knows what it might take for Christophe to love again, to love his enemy, and to love unconditionally.
My review:
Love's First Light starts out with an intensely emotional and graphic scene that made me wince, but I couldn't stop reading. Carie did an excellent job with realism. As I read along I realized how many morbid sayings come from that era like, "Should I stick my neck out?" and "Some heads are gonna roll." Ew. That time period was downright brutal and unfair to the innocent. I loved how well the author played this theme out even if it did gross me out a bit at times.
This started out as a really good story but there were a few things that didn't sit right with me from the middle to the end. The hero's dialogue sounded a bit more like a woman than a man for much of the second half of the book. It could've been because he was a scientist and artsy sort, but I'm not inclined to think the author made the man seem effeminate on purpose. Maybe it's just me, but I also felt like I was slipping in and out of the time period, too. It's hard to explain. Maybe the voice wasn't consistently French- Revolution-sounding. That's the only thing I can think of that would explain why I didn't feel immersed in the story from the middle of the book to the end.
One more sort of humorous comment. On page 263 one of the characters references when the French gave the Statue of Liberty to America after they won their freedom from England. Well, I'm not a huge history buff when it comes to the picky dates and details but even I knew that event occurred in the 1800s. It bugged me so I looked it up and the date was 1886 to be exact - a full 100 years later. One historic site wrote... The Statue of Liberty was given to America by the French in 1886 and has been a symbol for America ever since. So there is no possible way that the character in 1794 could have know about something that took place almost 90 years in the future. That was a big whoops on the author's part. History buffs are sure to notice. Sheesh, I hate to be critical because I'm a big Jamie Carie fan, but this did throw me for a loop to the point of distraction.
In some places the words the author used were so beautiful and poetic, but in other places the dialogue threw me off because it didn't seem to fit the era. And the romance between two older secondary characters seemed a bit plastic to me. I wasn't feeling the love like it was a real thing. It also seemed like the color and prism theme in the story was a bit disjointed. But I am still a big Jamie Carie fan and I loved The Duchess and the Dragon and Wind Dancer. This book...not so much. Sorry!
On the more positive end, I have to say the author has a way with words when it comes to romance and kissing. That's definitely her strength. I loved the forgiveness theme in the story as well and how the author showed that sometimes the people who have every right to be bitter are the ones God uses to set the example (if they are willing) by their love and demonstrated forgiveness. That was very well done. So, that said, for the above reasons this was not my favorite book by Carie, but if you like reading about the era and the issues surrounding the French Revolution, you would still enjoy this story.
Love's First Light was published by B&H and released in July 2009.
The history of the French Revolution can be difficult to read about simply because it is hard to understand the brutality associated with it. To go from corrupt leadership under the king to the Reign of Terror under Robespierre, led France down a bloody path that is in stark contrast to how our own American Revolution started and was carried out. I look forward to reading this book.
Sherri Barnette
What intrigues me about French culture is the food. I've tried so many wonderful French recipes and I've loved them all.
Please enter my name in your wonderful draw. Thanks.
The Bastille was stormed on July 14, 1789, two hundred years and 1 day before my wedding day.
I know that Marie Antoinette spent money lavishly and she was hated for it. And that the French people had had enough of starving while the Royalty lived in luxury. Please enter me in this giveaway; this book sounds really good!
donnyandshelly (at) (yahoo) (dot) (com)
I don't remember much about the Frech Revolution, but I know Marie Antoinett said "let them eat cake" :-)
How have I not heard of this book before today? Please enter me in the drawing...
The French Revolution was bloody chaos. It resulted in peasant uprising, the execution of all but one member of the French royal family, and the release of the prisoners held in the Bastille, among other things.
please enter me! This book sounds super exciting! Thanks!
mollydawn1981 AT aol DOT com
I have only read 2 books on the French Revolution, 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens and 'Under the Reign of Terror' by G.A. Henty. Both were really good and informative!
The French Revolution was an uprising of the peasants. They overthrew the French royal family, and, soon, it was nothing but a bloody mess that grew worse day by day.
If you have never read either of the books I've mention, I really enourage it! G.A. Henty really went into detail, but made it enjoyable by turning it into a historical fiction.
Please enter me into the drawing for 'Love's First Light' It looks really good!
French food, French wine, French kiss -blush- is that enough French for you?? l would love to learn more by reading the book! Percy
I love books that have a histoical theme to them. helps me to learn some history that I might not remember. Please include me in your drawing for this book. Thanks.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I have heard of this book before and I DYING to read it! I don't know much about the French Revolution, except the common facts about Marie (can't spell the last name:) and how much she was hated for her lavish lifestyle. But I love learning more, especially about old war history.
I like French food...you know, like French Fries, French Toast...does that work? ;-)
I don't remember much about the French Revolution but what intrigues me most about French culture is the food and the language. I visited France in 1994. I loved hearing them speak. It's interesting too that although they eat rich food you don't see a lot of overweight French people because they serve small portions and do lots of walking. The most beautiful thing was the Eiffel Tower at night. The most interesting thing was Disneyland Paris which looked just like Disneyland in the states but the in Pirates of the Caribbean the pirates spoke both French and English. (as with most rides). Beautiful park.
Hope that works to be entered in the drawing. Would love to win/read Jamie's book.
Sherry K
I know little about the French Revolution, but I believe the economic situations were extreme opposites which led to the revolution. The rich were unbelievable rich; the poor were unbelievably poor.
I have a contact page on my website. Does that work for an email?
I have a new neighbor that is French and she is always telling me about Franch and the cooking, I would love to win this book.
what intrigues me about the french culture is their pastry's. The always look perfect and taste even better!
I would love to win this book!
I don't remember a lot about French history, as I had a basketball coach for world history in high school and I don't believe history was his passion. However, I saw the movie version of A Tale of Two Cities and was amazed at the violence, beheadings, etc.
I would love to read Jamie's book and appreciate the chance to win a copy.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
I must say that I don't know much about the French Revolution - other than there was a Reign of Terror in which tens of thousands were executed using the guillotine - including Marie Antoinette. This book sounds like a good one and I would love the chance to win it!
kherbrand at comcast dot net
I have been a fan of her other books and this one sounds intriguing, especially with the critiques you made!! What I know of the French Revolution was that it is like many revolutions, something was wrong...the poor were badly treated by the nobles, wrongfully accused very easily and the French rebelled and began punishing the nobles, anyone related to them, working for them even if you had sewn buttons on for them....the people while they may have had good reason in the beginning committed the same sins they were fighting against in the beginning. I think it was in A Tale of Two cities where the ladies sat and knitted while heads were chopped off!! My favorite fictional tale though it The Scarlet Pimpernel!! martha(at)lclink(dot)com
I know very little about the French Revolution, but I am interested in learning about it. Please enter my name for the book give-away.
Thanks so much; good review.
I love reading about the French Revolution, and Marie Antoinette. It is a very sad era to read about though. So much pain and suffering. You don't want me to list what I know about this era, it would take too long. ;) I am a fan of Carie, and have read all her books except this one. The Duchess and the Dragon, and Snow Angel are my faves. Please enter me in the contest!
Hi, I don't know much about either things you listed but this book looks very interesting. I love reading historical books and most I have read have been about the Civil War and prairie times so I would love to learn more about this time period. Thanks for the giveaway!
and the winner is...
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