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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Attention young people and people who live or work with young people! I need your final opinion!

Here is the deal. This cover got the most votes on all sites by people in the targeted age group. So we took your suggestions and tweaked it out. Sooo.... better? Yes or no. And why or why not? Thanks a ton!


Julie Lessman said...


I like this cover the best of the three, but I liked the old version better, with the darker brown background. It makes her hair pop more, and matches the color of your name. Just my opinion.


windycindy said...

I agree with JL above me. This cover is my favorite one, also. The girl had a different expression in the other picture. Cindi

Hannah said...

i agree i think this is the best so far. i really like it. its blends well but still is catchy and jumps out at you (if that makes any sense).

Carolynn said...

I think this cover is just perfect!
The dark brown in the previous one was distracting and took the focus away from the people.
On this one your name is also darker which I think is better. I definitely perfer this one:)

Kim said...

I really like the color scheme on this one! It looks like it would appeal to the YA audience a great deal. I know you are so excited!!


Mimi N said...

I like the newer version better. The lighter brown seems to go along better with the rest of the colors and the people. I didn't realize she had a different expressio in the new one. I kept scrolling up and down the page to compare them! hahaha


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