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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My review of The New Girl by Tracie Puckett

About the book:

The FIRST in a FIVE-PART series.

Seventeen-year-old Steph has her heart set on a new beginning… for the eleventh time. A move to Webster Grove introduces her to a new school, new friends, and new experiences— including a few tender glances from her sexy English teacher. After signing up for a costuming position on the school production of Romeo and Juliet, co-directed by none other than the gorgeous Mr. Rivera, Steph soon learns the difficulties of withstanding the pursuit of forbidden love.

My review:

This was a quick read and pretty well-written. I loved how the author broke each part of the heroine's life into a section making it a five part series, which in the end, constitutes one whole book. I usually enjoy the YA genre so I thought I'd try this one since it was short and looked cute. The story line was sweet, if not a wee bit far-fetched. But the concept was realistic. How many gals have had crushes on their young high school teachers? I still remember how handsome Mr. MacDonald was. He looked amazing even 20 years later. Anyway...

I loved the characterization best. It seemed pretty genuine because one could see how moving so often would rattle a girl and make it difficult to feel like she belonged anywhere. Steph's mom was a truly flighty character, and ironically, I had a friend whose mother was exactly like that back in the day. So the way Steph's mom was portrayed made me smile. I loved the tension in the story, but I also appreciated how the author didn't cross any potentially offensive boundaries. The ending had a great twist and it made me smile. I will probably read the next installment in the series because of the clever ending.

The New Girl was published by Amazon Digital Services by the author.


Anonymous said...

I was looking into this book because my 11 year old daughter mentioned she was reading it. She is very mature for her age but I'm not sure if this book is ok for her to be reading. This sounds like a very good book but I don't want my daughter getting any ideas.

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

Yeah I read it a long time ago but my impression was that it was pretty innocent.

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