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Monday, January 07, 2013

New Giveaway! Now I'm giving away a copy of Amazing Love by K. Dawn Byrd

About the book:

Amazing Love is a contemporary version of the Hosea and Gomer story from the Bible. Gabe Knight, a pastor in a small coastal town, finds his life is turned upside down when Dee Dillow arrives and hires him to remodel an estate she's inherited from her aunt. Dee dashes his plans for wedded bliss when on a drunken binge, she divulges that she's the highest paid call girl in Nevada and part-owner of the ritziest brothel in the state. Gabe falls in love with her, but can't believe he's hearing the voice of God when a still, small voice tells him to marry her. After much questioning, they marry and he is deliriously happy. Until, Dee betrays him. Gabe soon discovers just how hard it is to have the unconditional love God calls him to have for his wife, the kind of love God has for his children. When faced with losing her, Gabe realizes what true love is, how much it hurts, and just how much God loves and is willing to sacrifice for his children.

My thoughts:

I read this book a few years ago before it was published. It's a good story, especially if you enjoy novels with redemptive themes and God showing His love in the most unlikely of circumstances.

Amazing Love was published by Sword of the Spirit and released in October 2012.


Sheila Deeth said...

Hosea and Gomer! This sounds like a really good and intriguing read.

Norma S said...

Thank you for giving me a chance to win. A version Hosea and Gomar sounds good. I can't wait to see what happens after Dee divulges that she was highest paid call girl, when on a drunken binge. God bless you.
Norma Stanforth

Janet said...

Sword of the Spirit... wonderful! Thanks gahome2mom/gmail/com

Andrea said...

Another great read! I loved Francine Rivers take on this in Redeeming Love. Would love to read it in an even more modern setting.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest.

Kirra said...

Sounds like a great book! I love the story of Hosea and Gomer.

I'm hosting a book review blog link up. I'd appreciate if you would come by and link up.

Jackie Tessnair said...

I would love to win and read this book.Thanks for the

Boos Mum said...

I have never read one of her books yet. I have them on my wishlist. Please enter me, this sounds very good. Thanks.

sweetdarknectar at gmail dot com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...


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