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Sunday, December 09, 2012

New giveaway! Enter to win Walks Alone by Sandi Rog!

Here is a link to my endorsement/review of this fantastic book! Simply post a comment about why you want to read it based on the review or description below. Enjoy!

About the book:

A Cheyenne warrior bent on vengeance.

A pioneer woman bent on fulfilling a dream.

Until their paths collide.

After fleeing her abusive uncle, Anna is determined to reach the city of her dreams. But White Eagle and his fierce warriors take her prisoner. Anna attempts a harrowing escape, but her savage captor is determined to have her at all costs and forces her to be his wife. Has God forgotten her, or does He have plans of His own?

A man with a boot in one world and a moccasin in the other, White Eagle is disillusioned with his faith after a minister leads a massacre on his peaceful tribe. Where is his God? He s definitely not with the white men who are slaughtering his people. But White Eagle also can t give in to the idolatry practiced by his fellow tribesmen.

Only the Truth can set him free.

And it's found in beautiful Anna's carpetbag.


Norma S said...

I think this book"Walks Alone" will be a great book to read. I can't wait to get to read it to get to see if Anna finds out what God has plan for her after her being prisoner and made White Eagle's wife.
Thank you for the giveaway book.
Norma Stanforth

Anita Yancey said...

I would like to read this book because I love reading stories about Indians. My great grandmother was Indian. This sounds like an amazing story. Thanks for having this giveaway.


karenk said...

i love sandi's novels...would love to read her latest...thanks for the chance

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book. It sounds really good. Thanks fo rthe giveaway. Please enter me in contest.

Unknown said...

Books about revenge always end up interesting especially if you throw in a romance! I would love to read it!

Unknown said...

I hope I'm not doing this twice lol. Books about revenge always end up interesting especially when you throw romance into the mix! I would love to read it!

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...

Teri Carter!

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