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Sunday, August 19, 2012

New Giveaway! Now I am giving away Living In Harmony by Mary Ellis

About the book:

Living in Harmony is the first book in bestselling author Mary Ellis's New Beginnings series. It's about fresh starts and love...and how faith in God and His perfect plan for our lives provides us with the peace and joy we desire. 

Amy King--young, engaged, and Amish--faces difficult challenges in her life when she suddenly loses both of her parents in a house fire. Her fiancé, John Detweiler, persuades her and her sister Nora to leave Lancaster County and make a new beginning with him in Harmony, Maine, where he has relatives who can help the women in their time of need.

John's brother Thomas and sister-in-law Sally readily open their home to the three newcomers. Wise beyond his years, Thomas, a minister in the district, refuses to marry Amy and John upon their arrival, suggesting instead a period of adjustment and counseling. During this time Amy discovers an aunt who was shunned. She wishes to reconnect with her, but this puts a strain on her relationship with John.

Can John and Amy find a way to live in happily in Harmony before making a lifetime commitment to one another?

My thoughts: I don't have this book so I can't comment on it. 

Now for the question.... What intrigues you about the description of this book?

This story released August 1st from Harvest House Publishers. A winner will be chosen using the Randomizer program next Sunday. Best wishes to you all. 


Lcenlow said...

I think what intrigues me is that her parents died in a house fire and her diencephalic is wanting her to start a new life with him. Could something good come from all of the bad? Or will they be beginning a relationshfora way from her family and friends for all of the wrong reasons? I can't wait to read this book! Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

Jackie Tessnair said...

I am intrigued how she discovers a shunned aunt and how this is going affect her relationship with John.How will all this end...will they get married or will they part and what happens between her and her aunt.I can't wait to read this book.Sounds great.Thanks...

pol said...

Enjoyed your comments on this book, I like the fact that it is about new beginnings and would enjoy reading a story by this author. thanks for sharing.
Paula O(

Amy C said...

I'm intrigued by the many obstacles that Amy will go through and want to see how she will overcome. Plus, she has a great name! :)
Campbellamyd at gmail dot com

Jo said...

The cover of this book intrigues me as well as the fact that it is about new beginnings. I think that there are times that most of us have to go through new beginnings.


Carol N Wong said...

I am intrigued by her aunt being shunned. Why was she shunned? Will she remain shunned in the story?


windycindy said...

I like that it is the first book
in a new series about the Amish
way of life... Also, the cover of
the book intrigues me because of the two Amish women n a train! It is always enjoyable to read how God works in people's lives...
Many thanks, Cindi

Mary Ellen said...

I'm intrigued by the aunt being shunned -- why was she shunned by her community -- what type of relationship will Amy and her aunt have -- will this ruin her relationship with John?

Andrea said...

I am intrigued when Amish books are written outside of the setting of Lancaster county.

karenk said...

i always enjoy reading about the amish lifestyle...thanks for the chance to read mary's latest novel.

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I think it is going to be very interesting to see how or if the reconnect. Who is he mysterious Aunt and why was she shunned.
Cheryl Baranski

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest.

Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued by the fact there are many things happening in the book one her losing her parents next here aunt being shunned and how or if this will put a strain on her and John's relationship. Can't wait to find out. I love reading Amish fiction and always enjoy new authors. Thanks kindly for the opportunity to be able to win this. Have a wonderfully Blessed week everyone!
Many Blessings,
Saradawson09 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Norma S said...

Thank you for giving me a chance to win " Living In Harmony " it i to bad that Amy and Nora lost their parent in a house fire. I can't wait to find out if John and Amy are able to get married sence the preacher wanted them to wait! Thanks again
Norma Stanforth

Gail L. said...

I would like to win this book. It's intriguing because it takes place in Maine, and there haven't been any other Amish books that took place in that setting.
Gail Lavender

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is pol! (aka Paula)

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