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Sunday, July 08, 2012

Now I'm giving away Yesterday's Stardust by Becky Melby

About the book:

Journalist Dani Gallagher finds a tattered diary written in the Roaring Twenties—and clues to a lost treasure. Chef Nicky Fiorini helps unravel the clues, and attraction ignites, but Dani is hiding her own secret. In hopes of a great story, she’s using questionable means to gather information on a local teen gang. Just as she and Nicky are on the verge of solving the mystery, internal fighting breaks out in the gang. Dani is caught the middle, and Nicky is furious. Then the diary leads to a hidden room and a shocking discovery, but have they missed the real treasure?

My thoughts:

I don't have this book so I can't say what I think.

Now for the question... Do you like books that flip between two time periods? Why or why not? I'll pick a winner using the Randomizer program next Sunday.


apple blossom said...

If it is written well where it doesn't loose the reader then I'm ll for it. thanks for the chance to win

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Kyle H. said...

A well written book that flips between two time periods is fun to read. I like seeing the impact history has on the future.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do. As long as I am not lost in the book.I think it makes the book more interesting. Please enter me in contest.

Norma S said...

Yes, i am fine with it if it is a good story and holds my interest and if the main characters, are the main ones in both period. This is like getting two books in one.

lorlyn63 said...

I don't mind a book that flips from era to another if it is written smoothly! I love books that include history and days gone by. Thank you for the opportunity to throw my name into the drawing - it sounds like a very good book!



Catherine said...

I like it when there is a connection between the two stories - a shared location, event or family. And as the others said, it has to be well-written, but I have enjoyed Becky Melby's earlier books, so I know this one will be great!

Lcenlow said...

I think as long as the book divides
The time periods up so that the reader is not confused then it is ok. I have read both (confused and not) and a well written book is just that.... Well written all the way around. I think it can add a lot to the story be being able to jump from time to time.

Unknown said...

I do! I especially love a timewarp element. I haven't any idea why either because generally I do not like sci fi or fantasy genre books.

Jo said...

It actually depends on the book. Some of them that flip between time periods, I enjoy reading and there are others that I actually get lost with.


Sylvia said...

It depends on the characters' personalities whether or not I like a book that has two couples from different times. I think I prefer two couples from different time periods rather than two that are contemporary to each other. If I read a book with viewpoints from two couples from the same time period I usually end up loving one and getting annoyed at the other. It always seems that the author loves most the couple I dislike most.

Looking forward to reading this book and the previous one. I have enjoyed every one of Becky's Heartsongs co-written with Cathy Wienke.


Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...


Becky Melby said...

Congratulations, Lorlyn! Your copy is in the mail. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and left a comment. And thank you, Michelle!

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