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Sunday, February 26, 2012

New giveaway! I'm giving away a copy of Saving Hope by Margaret Daley (with bonus review)

To enter for a chance to win a copy of this book simply post a comment about whether or not you are aware of any ministries in your community that help girls who were formerly into prostitution either willingly or because of child trafficking and if so, what you know about the ministry.

About the book:

When a teenager goes missing from the Beacon of Hope School, Texas Ranger Wyatt Sheridan and school director Kate Winslow are forced into 
a dangerous struggle against a human trafficking organization. But the battle brings dire consequences as Wyatt's daughter is terrorized and Kate is kidnapped. Now it's personal, and Wyatt finds both his faith and investigative skills challenged as he fights to discover the mastermind behind the ring before evil destroys everyone he loves.

My review:

This wasn't the first novel I've read by Margaret, but it is the first I've read in several years. I'm so glad I read this book. I found myself riveted to the story line and the characters. The tension was perfectly executed, in my opinion, because I couldn't stand it until I got to the end. But more than that, the ride compelled me to think about motivations and schemes and who could be behind everything. The fact that evil was so close to a number of main characters had me practically biting my nails at times. The faith element was balanced and clearly present without being too heavy handed. The progression of their spiritual journeys seemed natural to the characters' lives.

I loved the romantic thread in the story and found it to be warm enough to be yummy for romance lovers without taking away from the tension of the suspense portion of the story. I loved the hero and how he finally opened his heart and had to face his fears. I even liked how the author made a few of the "bad guys" seem like regular people at times. She made them seem more human, while still being dark in their nefarious intentions. They still did wrong, but I loved that they weren't one-dimensional and flat.

The heroine's mission to save children pulled into sexual slavery by predators was admirable, as was the hero's desire to fight for the same cause. The author writing about some of the miserable situations the girls living at Beacon of Hope suffered prior to their rescue in the story made me realize how more people need to step up and help rescue these children. I commend Margaret for opening my eyes to this scourge on society and writing about it.

Saving Hope was published by Abingdon Press and released in March 2012.


Debra Ullrick said...

Hi Michelle.

Please add my name to the drawing. I love Margaret Daley's books.

Thank you.

Debra Ullrick

Martha Lawson said...

I would love to be entered to win this one. It sounds like a fascinating book!

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Martha A. said...

I don't know if there are any local ministries that help with human trafficking, but I would like to find one! I know it is a big problem, even in our small town!
I love Margaret Daley's look forward to reading this one.

Pegg Thomas said...

The ministry in our area isn't as narrowly defined as what you've proposed, but it's called "Hope House" and it's for teenage girls who have been removed from their families for various reasons.
twinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com

Judy said...

As far as I know there are no ministries in our area that help with human trafficking. We do have a ministry that helps young mother's get on their feet and finish their schooling.

I love Margaret's books and would love to win a copy of "Saving Hope".

Thanks for this giveaway.


KATHLEEN.B said...

I am not aware of any specific ministry for human trafficking in my area. The book sounds very interesting and I wouls like to be entered to win.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in contest. I really want to read this book. It sounds very good.

Andrea said...

I am not aware of a ministry of this type in our town, but that does not mean there isn't one. Would love to find out more about this topic. Enter me please.

Ann Lee Miller said...

I have friends who are involved in a ministry like this, but I don't know the specifics.



apple blossom said...

I do not know of any ministries just for this situation. We have the woman's crisis center, but I don't think they do this type of work.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Abigail Mitchell said...

I don't know if there are any local ministries like that.

Anonymous said...

Wow. So cool that I found this giveaway!
God has recently been leading me into ministry in this exact area. I've read a few books and have been praying about what He wants my next move to be. There are a couple organizations that I have been in contact with. Women of Vision (a sub group of World Vision) and
I would love to win the book. Thanks so much!
Lisa Otis
lisa.otis6 at gmail dot com

Bethany said...

I'd love to be entered! I'm a fan of Margaret's books :)

cbus.blogger at gmail dot com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...

Deb Ullrick!


Abigail Mitchell said...


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