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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Now I'm giving away Firethorn by Ronie Kendig

To enter for a chance to win this book, simply post a comment that answers this question... Do you enjoy military thrillers and covert operations books, and if so, why? I'll go first. I read Ronie's first book and it was crazy good and non-stop action. If this book is even half as good as the one I read, then it will be awesome. I never got a copy of this particular book to review, or I'd post one with it. Sorry about that. Maybe I'll get it later. At any rate, what's your answer? I'll select a winner next Sunday using the Randomizer program.


About the book:

Don your tactical gear and enter the world of black ops and espionage within the pages of Ronie Kendig’s thriller Firethorn. Former Marine Griffin “Legend” Riddell, a fugitive from injustice, finds it difficult to trust anyone. Covert operative Kazi Faron, the woman sent to free him, has a dangerous secret that may jeopardize her life, mission, and the only man she respects. As Griffin and Kazi race around the globe to save Nightshade, the danger mounts. Will they find the culprit sabotaging their black ops team? Can their newfound feelings and trust survive when Griffin and Kazi face truth and terror?


Martha A. said...

Don't enter me as I already own this book! I ended up buying a couple of the others in this series and boy, are they good! I love this type of story, whether in a book or movie, so they drew me in!! I haven't read this one yet, but soon!

SarcasticMuse said...

I am would definitely enjoy this book! It sounds right up my book filled metaphoric alley.

Ronie Kendig said...

Wow, thanks so much, Michelle! I'm honored! :-D

Abbi Hart said...

I love military thrillers and covert operations books. I love getting caught up in the action and it gives you an appreciation for what are men in service go through for our freedom!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Margaret Metz said...

I left the previous comment. I didn't realize I was signed out. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy military books and covert operation books because of the action and romance in them and even some have murder. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

HGlick said...

I enjoy military stories because of the action. I enjoy the books in this particular series because of the action and the characters.

HGlick said...

I don't think my first comment went through, but thanks for posting this. I like military stories because of the action. I like Ronie's stories because of the action and her characters.

Elizabeth Ludwig said...

Hey Michelle and Ronie,


Heard nothing but good things about your series, Ronie. And I love, love, love books that go beyond the romance thing. Don't get me wrong, I love a good romance, but if it's got action, mystery, or thrills, too...I'm in heaven!

Sheri Salatin said...

Yay!! I'm super excited about this book.

I do like military thrillers. I have always had the deepest respect for our military and reading covert operations books keeps me on my toes and keeps me remembering the sacrifice that these men and women make everyday for our country.

Thank you for hosting the giveaway.


Andrea said...

Please enter me for this book. Have always loved reading military thrillers and watching the movies. Must get it from my dad! :) Thanks for the chance.

Sidney W. Frost said...

Sounds interesting. Just wanted to wish you a successful day.

windycindy said...

What an intriguing story line!
Many thanks, Cindi

Kara said...

I would love to win this book. I'm currently reading Book #2 in this series and it is amazing! It's the first time (well second if you count the first book in the series!) I've read military intrigue but I love it. kjisaac (at) ymail (dot) com

Edwina said...

I love military thrillers and Roni's are the best! Full of non-stop, edge of your seat action - who wouldn't like them??

KATHLEEN.B said...

I have never read a military thriller, so it would be a new experience for me.

Jo said...

I would love to read a copy of this book. Great giveaway.


Shea Family said...

Love to read suspense novels and men of action... need I say more. I thoroughly enjoyed the other books and can't wait to read this one although, I am sad to see the series end.

Wyn said...

I absolutely love covert thrillers. I've read them since I was a child and started with Captain Hornblower.

Bethany said...

I do enjoy the military thrillers, as they are so current and real. I've enjoyed the few of Ronie's books I've read, and very much hope to get this one! :)

apple blossom said...

my teen daughter loves the military thriller/suspense.

she has read some of Ronie's books she'd love it if I won. thanks

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Debbie Clark said...

I like to read military thrillers because I admire our military. They have a tough job and they can do it.

Please enter me in the drawing for Firethorn. Thanks for the chance to win.

Debbie Clark

Ann Lee Miller said...

I haven't read a military thriller, so maybe I need to get out of my rut!


karenk said...

yes, i enjoy military thrillers...probably because it's a little different :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

I definitely enjoy covert thrillers :) I haven't read many military books but have heard wonderful things about Ronie Kendig's books! :)

Merry said...

I really enjoy military books with suspense and some romance. Ronie's are the best!
worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

Terri said...

This is an awesome series and I would love to win this book! angelmom1165(at)yahoo(dot)com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...



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