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Sunday, January 01, 2012

New giveaway! Enter for a chance to win The Attache by David Bond.

About the book:

Jessie Weaver narrowly escapes the North Tower on 9/11 and sets out to find her destiny. She owes her life to a man, and his tattered attaché. Zach Brenner believes he is doing something productive for once by going to Iraq as a private contractor, but ends up losing his eyesight. Jessie is convinced the attaché is her link to a man she believes she could love. But when she takes a job working for his family business, now owned and managed by his blinded brother Zach, she must come face to face with a new destiny. Will Zach find his footing in a suddenly dark world, and will he ever find his purpose in life? What if Jessie never sees Joel again? Only a Divine power could have placed two people going in opposite directions on a collision course with destiny, and each other. Yes, miracles do happen. 

Since I didn't get this book to review I will post an excerpt instead. Please post a comment about the excerpt and tell me what intrigues you about it. Don't forget to post a way for me to contact you if your name is selected. I will choose a winner next Sunday using the Randomizer program. 

Here is the excerpt:

Zach pushed away from the table. She figured he was getting the phone, but he trailed his hand along the edge of the table until he arrived where she sat. He reached out tentatively then pulled his hand back. "Can you... um, stand up?" 

He wore an odd look. She placed the last of the granola bar on the table and pushed her chair out. "Okay. What's this about?" 

He reached again, and she realized he wanted to hold her hand. Slivers of sunlight filtered in through the kitchen window, and a shiver traveled up her spine. 

"I might have waited for a better time, whatever that is, but I'm not going to. Jessie? I want to tell you something... I need to tell you something, and I'm not sure how you'll take this. I'm not sure how to say it either." 

His grip was firm, his hands slightly damp. Zach hid his nervousness well. His eyes were wide though, so wide she wondered how it was possible they were sightless. Whatever he wanted to tell her, Zach was paying a price. She instinctively gave his hands a reassuring squeeze. 

"I'll be all right. You don't need to worry. I'll be with Suzy for a couple days, and then I think I'll go back to Lancaster for a little while. So, Zach..." 

"Lancaster? Home?" 

"Well, yeah. What else?" 

He shook his head, trying to smile. "You can't think of any other options?" 

"Not at the moment. No." 

"Is this because you think there's no job?" 

"I don't have a job. How could I?" 

"I don't know. No one's fired you, as far as I know." 

"There's nothing for me to do. No business. You don't have to fire me, I'll just quit." 

Jessie tugged her hands away. She heard the words, flying out of her mouth laced with poison. She was under attack, emotions and logic warring for dominance, something inside her clinging to a desperate memory. For the past three years, one thing, one man, had given her a reason to dream. Joel understood life, knew the meaning of love between a man and a woman. He was slipping away, his memory a gray mist in the awakening dawn. 

If she stayed here, instead of seeing Joel, she would precipitate his demise. Joel would be gone forever. It was ludicrous to hope he would show up. How often did he come here? Almost never. She had to leave, had to flee for her sake, and Joel's sake. If not, Zach would block the way forever. 

Zach's hands reached for her, but she was out of reach. "Jessie. Listen. What I need to tell you is this. I love you. I. Love. You. But the thing is, I know how you might take that, and I understand. But I couldn't have gone much longer without saying how I feel." 

"Don't say that. Just don't say that. Zach, you remember the time I talked about Joel? Remember? There was this connection thing? I didn't tell you the whole story." She clasped and unclasped her fingers. "You see, he left his attaché, I told you that, but inside it, there was this... this manuscript. A romance story he was writing. Over the years, I've read it and re-read it. It isn't finished, but there was something in his writing, something that reached out to me and held on. You're laughing. Stop. Stop laughing..." 

Jessie was finished with this. Joel had gotten more defense than he deserved at the moment. She needed him in the flesh, not in her dreams. Even a few more minutes in this house would threaten his emergence into her reality, bringing about her own betrayal. 


Marjorie/cenya2 said...

This book has a great storyline and I would like to read it.
Google reader Marjorie/cenya2

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Sylvia said...

Wow! Blind heroes always intrigue me. You know they love the person for who they are and not just because of their looks. Another added benefit is they alway have great opportunities for touching the heroine in order to "see" them! :) One thing about that excerpt is that I want to know what in the world he was going to say to her! What is his big secret?


Carol N Wong said...

This one sounds so fascinating. I wonder why blind and deaf people are not in books more. It would add so much more dimension to the story.


Anonymous said...

This book sounds awesome and has a great storyline. I really want to read it. Please enter me in contest.

KATHLEEN.B said...

I bet Zack wrote the story.

Judy said...

Love this story line and I can't wait to read this book. Winning a copy would be great!


Paula said...

This book sounds really great and unique. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anita Yancey said...

This book has a great storyline. I love how these two people are thrown together. It sounds like a book I would really enjoy reading. Thanks for having this giveaway.


Bethany said...

Books that have a hero/heroine connected with 9/11 really intrigue me. I'd love to win a copy!

karenk said...

i am fascinated by the 'blindness' theme in this novel...thanks for the chance to read it :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is... Sylvia!

Anonymous said...

I stumbled onto these books by accident. They are exciting and keep my attention to the very end. Thank you for your expertise in writing thrilling but clean books.

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