Seventeen year-old Veronica “Ronnie” Miller’s life was turned upside-down when her parents divorced and her father moved from New York City to Wilmington, North Carolina. Three years later, she remains angry and alienated from her parents, especially her father… until her mother decides it would be in everyone’s best interest if she spent the summer in Wilmington with him. Ronnie’s father, a former concert pianist and teacher, is living a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centerpiece of a local church. The tale that unfolds is an unforgettable story about love in its myriad forms – first love, the love between parents and children – that demonstrates, as only a Nicholas Sparks novel can, the many ways that deeply felt relationships can break our hearts… and heal them.
My review:
This is my kind of story! And the coolest thing was the fact that even though this book is not officially "Christian" fiction, it had a strong faith message and I was thoroughly impressed with how strong it was and how the author incorporated it so seamlessly. Apparently when you've sold more than 50 Million + books like Nicholas Sparks has, you can write about faith and the Bible and it doesn't get edited out.
I loved everything about this book and the focus on Ronnie's father's favorite verse; Galations 5:22. You have to look it up to find out what it says. I loved how it was used as a core theme in this story. There were some cool twists in this story that melted my heart when the truth regarding certain situations hit the fan. I cried a bunch toward the end, but considering the author's style of writing tear-jerker novels, I wasn't surprised.
I have to say the ending was very inspiring even though it had its sad moments, because there was still joy at the end. It made me think about how sometimes things need to be left in God's hands and allowed to run their course instead of fighting things to get our way all the time (even in prayer.) There is a great purpose we don't understand, but Mr. Sparks nailed it by showing that in the story and writing a heartfelt, beautiful message about how love really can - and does - change people if we allow it.
The romance in this story was delectable, heart-pounding, and sweet. Will and Ronnie's relationship was so precious and believable in the way the author presented everything. Their relationship was developed in such a way as to show how love can happen with a great hero, and it doesn't have to be just because he is drawn to a girl's pretty face. I totally adored the younger brother. He was so cute and personable and a fantastic secondary character.
I could go on and on but I don't want to post any spoilers. Let me just say if this book had been published this year (or if I'd read it the year it released) it would have made my favorites list for sure. In fact, I loved this book so much I bought the DVD. Now to go pop it in the player and compare...
The Last Song was published by Grand Central Publishing (Hachette) and released in 2009.
I haven't read the book, but I loved the movie! :)
This was in my Library2Go wishlist so I borrowed the audiobook version to listen to next week. :) Thanks for the recommendation! I've been meaning to try one of Nicholas Sparks' books anyway. I didn't realize he had any Bible in his books at all!
I saw the movie but I don't remember being that impressed (not as moved as I was by The Notebook movie) so I'm sure the book is better. As usual!
All his books are my kind of books. Love his writing style and all his tearjerkers. Love the depth he writes with and emotion. I want to be touched deeply by the books I read, and his does that. The Notebook, The Choice, and Dear John are some of his other titles I've enjoyed. He makes a reader care, and he can write the most touching romance. I also love his deep point of view. Enjoyed this post. Blessings, BJ
I write about the Bible and God's Word, and it doesn't get edited out :)
Not read this yet but I'm certainly looking out for it now. Thank you.
Bible verses can be great foundations for books, and like you, I also think the end was inspiring because it is full of joy. What can I say, I love a happy ending, and I tend to end my love stories with happy endings too. I like your blog, it is amazing how much detail and work you put into it. Keep up the good work!
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