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Sunday, August 21, 2011

New giveaway! Now I'm giving away Unforgettable by Trish Perry!

To enter for a chance to win this novel simply post a comment that answers the following two part question... Have you ever taken ballroom dancing, and do you think it's romantic? I will select a winner next Sunday using the Randomizer program.

Unforgettable (When I Fall in Love)About the book:

Rachel Stanhope tries to see the good in everyone. But Josh Reegan tests even her good graces when they meet outside her Arlington, Virginia, dance studio in 1951. He's attractive, yet his cynicism and cockiness are hard to tolerate.

A journalist and former World War II Air Force pilot, Josh considers ballroom dancing a frivolous waste of time. Although Rachel's confident nature is a refreshing challenge, he wouldn't tangle with her if his newspaper hadn't assigned him to cover her studio's competition in New York City.

Between the melodrama of ballroom antics and the real drama of political corruption, Rachel and Josh have their hands full. The last thing either of them expects is mutual need and support. But once they stop dancing around the truth, the results are unforgettable.

My thoughts:

I really love the sound of this book and adore WWII era history, but I never got it in the mail to review, so I can only assume it's a great read since I like Trish Perry's writing. But the winner will have to judge for themselves. This is the first historical fiction Trish has written making it a debut for her in that genre, I believe. 


Katy said...

I have never taken Ballroom Dancing before, but I think it looks just fabulous and I definitely think it could be romantic! :)


thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com

Rebecca said...

I have never taken ballroom dancing. I do however think that it looks romantic.

Thank you so much for the chance to win this.


Judy said...

I have never taken ballroom dancing but I have always wanted to! Yes, I think it looks very romantic. (Sigh)


Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed Trish's other books, so I'm anxious to read her first historical!

I took social dance in college (not quite ballroom dancing), but it's only romantic if you've got the right partner!


Judy said...

I have never taken ballroom dancing but I have always wanted to! Yes, I think ballroom dancing is romantic! (Sigh)


LuAnn said...

I've never taken any formal dancing classes, but I have done some of the dances in my younger days! With the right partner (who knows the proper steps) and the right music, it can indeed be romantic.

reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com

Bluerose said...

I've never taken ballroom dancing, but some of it does look incredibly sweet and romantic. I don't like the "trashy" kind! ;)

bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

Melanie said...

I've been taken ballroom dancing, but I think it looks somewhat romantic.

frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

Melanie said...

I meant I've NEVER taken ballroom dancing...LOL!

Anonymous said...

I have never taken ballroom dancing but I would like to. I would love to read this book also. It sounds very good. Pleas enter me in contest.

Nancye said...

I have never taken Ballroom dance classes and won't be able to in the future. That is unless someone comes up with wheelchair ballroom dancing! LOL! (I am in a wheelchair). I love to warch, though, because it is so beautiful and graceful.

Thanks for the book giveaway!

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Jo said...

I have never taken ballroom dancing but absolutely love to watch it. Please enter me in the giveaway.


Jo said...

I have never taken ballroom dancing but absolutely love to watch it. Please enter me in the giveaway.


Patricia said...

My husband and I have talked many times about taking ballroom dancing - but as of yet, have not done so. It is still in our future plans!

Like most dancing, ballroom dancing could certainly be romantic. But more than anything, it is great exercise!

Please add my name to this Giveaway, my email address is:

madley (AT) cogeco (DOT) ca

Thank you for hosting this Giveaway, Michelle!


Casey said...

I wouldn't know, because I've never been ball room dancing. ;-) But aside from the sometimes very skimpy outfits, I do find it beautiful.

This book is on my wishlist and I would love to be entered, please!

(email in profile)

Jackie S. said...

Have never taken it, but do think it is romantic! Love Trish's books
so please enter me for this one!

Shannon said...

Our friends are amazing ballroom dancers. We have had evenings of learning some steps. This book looks sounds like a great read. Will share it with our dancing friends. Thank you for another great give away.

Trish Perry said...

Sorry you haven't yet received a review copy, Michelle! We'll have to rectify that.

It's interesting how many of us have never had ballroom dance lessons (including me), considering how popular it's been over the past few years! I love watching it, and I hope you all will enjoy what happens in Unforgettable. I think both the book and ballroom dancing are romantic!!

Vintage Thoughts of a Modern Girl said...

I took ballroom dancing in college and although the class was for recreational purposes I loved the History behind some of the dances. As far as the romance goes, in a class with lots of strangers not so much, but in this vivid imagination of mine... Absolutely! Just the idea behind the timing and flow of the moves, oh la la.

paola . fe . @ uwmalumni . com

KATHLEEN.B said...

I have never taken ballroom dancing lessons. I think it looks incredibly romantic. With the long gowns not the skimpy outfits.

apple blossom said...

nope, never taken ballroom dancing or any kind of dance for that matter

but I'd love to win this book thanks

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

hmmm. sounds like an interesting book. I love historical fiction!
Never done ballroom dancing but do think it's romantic.
lisa.otis6 at gmail dot com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...


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