About the book:
Frederico is a tiny mouse with a big dream: he wants to become a violinist. Each day he watches as Stradivari makes his famous violins. Each night, he sneaks into the workshop to play. But the violins are too big! Then, unbeknown to Frederico, Stradivari sees him playing and begins carving a tiny device. Could it be a famous Strad especially for Frederico? Suggested age for readers: 4-8
My review:
I have to say this is the most adorable book I've seen in a long time. It's interesting and attractive. The illustrations are so cute, and the story itself is high quality. I used to read a book called The Church Mouse over and over again when I was about seven because I loved the story and the pictures. This is one of those kinds of books that a kid would ask to have read to them over and over again, or a kid would just look at because the pictures are so intriguing. There is a lot a child can learn from reading this story as well, such as information about music, the Stradivarius guitar, creating an instrument, and just plain history about the Stradivarius guitar and its worth. I loved how the parts of the violin were described at the end and a glossary is included in the book. This story might even encourage a child to want to learn to play the violin. My favorite picture in the story is the one of the mouse playing the tiny violin that the violin maker created for him and gave him as a gift. So adorable! This book is a keeper.
Some of the ADORABLE pictures are included in this Youtube promo video. Check it out!
About Mayra Calvani, the author:
Mayra reviews for SimplySharly.com and is co-editor of Voice in the Dark Ezine. She also offers book reviewing workshops online. Visit her website at www.MayraCalvani.com. For her children’s books, visit www.MayrasSecretBookcase.com. You can find Voice in the Dark at http://voice-in-the-dark.com.
Connect with Mayra at Facebook athttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Mayra-Calvanis-Fan-Page/162383023775888?created and Twitter at http://twitter.com/mcalvani.
Frederico, the Mouse Violinist was published by Guardian Angel Publishing and was released in November 2010. A PDF copy of this colorful, illustrated book was provided to this reviewer in exchange for an opinion on the book to accompany the blog tour.
For more blog tours by Pump Up Your Book Promotion, visit their site HERE.
Frederico, the Mouse Violinist was also a finalist in this contest...
Frederico, the Mouse Violinist Virtual Book Tour Schedule
Interviewed at Blogcritics
Tuesday, June 7
Book reviewed at 4 the Love of Books
Book reviewed at Libby’s Library News
Wednesday, June 8
Book reviewed at Healing Hearts
Thursday, June 9
Book reviewed at Ellis Reviews & Life
Friday, June 10
Book reviewed at Write for a Reader
Monday, June 13
Book reviewed at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
Tuesday, June 14
Book reviewed at Library of Clean Reads
Wednesday, June 15
Guest blogging at Literal Exposure
Thursday, June 16
Book reviewed at Virginia Beach Publishing Examiner
Friday, June 17
Guest blogging at The Book Faery Reviews
Book reviewed at Booksnatchers
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