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Sunday, May 22, 2011

New giveaway! Now I'm giving away When All My Dreams Come True by Janelle Mowery (with bonus review!)

For a chance to win a copy of this book simply post a comment telling me who your favorite "western romance" author is (if you have one) and leave me a way to contact you if your name is drawn by the Randomizer program. A winner will be chosen next Sunday.

When All My Dreams Come True (Colorado Runaway Series)

About the book:

Bobbie McIntyre dreams of running a ranch of her own. Raised without a mother and having spent most of her time around men, she knows more about wrangling than acting like a lady. The friendship of her new employer awakens a desire to learn more about presenting her feminine side, but ranch life keeps getting in the way.

Ranch owner Jace Kincaid figures the Lord is testing his faith when a female wrangler shows up looking for work. Bobbie has an uncanny way of getting under his skin, though, and he's surprised when she finds a home next to his heart. But when his cattle begin to go missing and his wranglers are in danger from some low-down cattle thief, can Jace trust God, even if it may mean giving up on his dreams?

An adventurous novel of faith, hope, and love in the Wild West.

My review:

This was a very enjoyable book with a sweet romance thread in it. I liked how the author used the fact that the ranch hand was female to enhance the tension in the story, but did it in a subtle way. I also loved not knowing who the bad guys were for a majority of the book. The faith thread was strong, and most likely would be understood best by Christians, but I loved how the author made it clear that doing good things isn't what saves you. Well done.

The hero in this story was pretty awesome. The tone felt almost like a "Lori Wick" novel, but without the point of view issues her books have. Harvest House is known for their tender romances and this definitely fits that scenario. I loved everything about Jace, the hero, and how the author showed him slowly succumbing to his feelings for Bobbie.

The heroine Bobbie was tough, but very female and tender emotionally as well. I loved her spunk, but I also loved the fact that she was portrayed as flawed and very human. I found her faith journey to be believable. It wasn't too heavy handed, but it was clearly present. You'd have to be blind not to notice the importance of faith regarding relationships while reading this story.

Last, there was plenty of action and mystery to the story. The cattle rustling theme was a bit cliche (seems like every western I've read lately has that as part of the story) but it really worked for the novel. All in all this tender-hearted romance was an engaging read. I'd recommend it to anyone and I definitely plan to read more books by this author.

When All My Dreams Come True was published by Harvest House and released in January 2011. A copy of this book was provided for me to review by Janelle Mowery, the author. The copy for this giveaway is provided by Wynn Wynn Media. Great read!


Sherri said...

I'm not sure who qualifies as a "western romance" author, but I would choose either Deeanne Gist or Tamera Alexander. They both know how to write a good love story. Thanks for adding my name for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good.

Janet said...

My favorite Western Romance Author is Mary Conneally(Cowboy Christmas).

Thanks gahome2mom/at/gmail/dot/com

Margaret said...

Sounds like a good read. Kindly enter me in the contest. A couple of my favorite authors are Deeanne Gist & Mary Conneally. It's always nice to discover new authors. Thank you!

rbooth43 said...

My favorite Western Romance Authors Are Linda Lael Miller, Mary Conneally, and Joanne Kennedy.

Courtney said...

I'm not sure if Deanne Gist qualifies for a Western Romance author but she is my favorite, that or Mary Connealy!! Or a close 2nd is Vickie McDonough or Margaret Brownley. It is really hard to pick just one favorite! ha ha

Thanks for the chance to win this book!


Anonymous said...

l like azne greys books... not sure how much romance is in them but they are westerns... percy priscillajdm at hotmail dot com

apple blossom said...

I have lots of fav. authors. Lauraine Snelling it one

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

karenk said...

i love mary connelly's novels :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog and am amazed at your work. Wow you have lots of giveaways going on all the time please enter me in this giveaway. And thanks s much for giving all of us the opportunity to be able to win such great books. For me I only read Christian fiction so it's nice to see lots of reviews on these books. Many blessings and thanks
saradawson09 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Martha A. said...

WEstern romance???? It has changed over the year!!!
Growing up, I used to love Hilda Stahl! Now, it would probably be more like Deanne Gist.

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