I will select a winner next Sunday using the Randomizer program. Best wishes to you all!
About the book:
Fashionable Easterner Alison Stripling is shocked to receive a letter from her deceased sister’s husband in Hope, Kansas, pleading for help with his six children. The letter gives Alison a chance to escape her troubles in Boston, and the name of the town seems like a sign from God. But when she arrives at a rustic cabin on the prairie, she’s in for a bigger shock: Rafe Munroe didn’t write the letter at all! Realizing the children are determined to pair them off, Rafe and Alison join forces to prove the idea would never work. Can Hope’s cupids - all six of them - strike love’s arrows into the hearts of their pa and Miss Alison?
My thoughts:
I don't have this book so I can't say anything about it. However, I have read a few of Pamela's Heartsong stories years ago and enjoyed them.
I would marry someone with six kids. Because if I was childless, I would eventually want to adopt a child. 6 children would be a blessing in disguise!
if I were still young and naive, maybe...at my age now, no way. LOL
if I were still young and naive, maybe...at my age now, no way. LOL
In reality, probably not. However, my husbands step-dad did. My mother-in-law had 6 boys from 18 years old down. My husband was the 18 year old. The youngest was probably 9 years old. The hardest was for my husband as he had been the "husband" of the house. My father-in-law did a pretty good job of fathering the boys. That was a big risk that he took and it paid off. Since my dad is no longer living, he is the only dad I have now, too.
I would love for the chance to win Love Finds You in Hope, Kansas. Thanks for the chance.
Debbie Clark
That is a good question but I guess I would have to say that I cannot answer it unless I was in that situation. I would let my heart guide me
Walk in harmony,
Yes! The Lord works in amazing ways and can & will work ALL things out for good!
I'd love to win a copy of this book!
Thank you!
Kari in Oregon
kari_linder at hotmail dot com
Yes, If I feel in love with the father, I would take his six kids as my own, Children are so precious! I would love to read Love Finds You in Hope, Kansas.
To be honest, no! Not that I don't like kids, because I do have three of my own, but I also know how difficult it can be when they aren't your own.
reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com
If I was childless and really in love with the Father, I would marry someone with 6 kids. Most people do not know what a blessing it is to be able to have children at all. When you can't have children, you know what you are missing out on. I completely understand because I have been unable to have children but we adopted a son. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. Tore923@aol.com
Maybe if I were young. Now - and with my health problems... probably not. I wouldn't rule anything out though. I think if that's who God had for me it wouldn't matter if they had no kids or ten kids. lol
Please enter me in the contest. I'd love to read this book.
leesmithwriting at yahoo dot com
I like to think I would, but I'm afraid it would be a tough call.
I would love to read this novel and see how the heroine handles the situation!
If I loved the man and he was a good father to his six children, I wouldn't think twice about marrying
Many thanks, Cindi
It's really hard to answer that question, but if I was in love and felt that God wanted me to marry this man then I would do it even if he had 6 kids. Children are always a blessing! :-)
I have many of the LFY books....I just love them all! And can't wait to read this one!
it would depend, lf l were the type of person who longed to be a parent then of course, it would also depend on how much l loved my soon to be spouse, because true love well is not easy to find and you would marry with or without children... Percy priscillajdm at hotmail dot com
I guess I've never been put in that situation. I think it would depend on how well behaved they were.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
You never know who God is putting in your path, so if I did fall in love with a man who had six children, I would marry him. And, if you love the man, you'd love the children.
But of course. ;-)
(Assuming he was the man God had for me, then I would know everything would work out for the best and we would be happy.)
Hope you guys enjoy the story! :D
If I was going to marry that man anyway because I felt that he was God's husband for me, then the 6 kids would go along with God's plan -- so yes!
If that is what God had for me, then yes, I wouldn't hesitate. I think the first question should be would I date a man with 6 kids? If I'd even consider getting interested, I'd better have the issue settled before the first date. It would cause way too much heartache for everyone involved if I allowed the relationship to continue but wouldn't consider marriage.
I'd love to read this book. Please enter me in the giveaway.
Depends, are they well behaved kids? jk! Absolutely, if I wanted to spend my life with a man it wouldn't matter whether he had 6 kids or 10 or none at all.
There would be challenges, but it would be worth it!
It depends on the guy and his family. I grew up with 5 other siblings and my dad kept bringing a lady home to "replace" my mom, which never worked. Personally i love children, i would have to be very serious with the guy, because its a long step from single to boom me + him + 6 lil ones.
my gut says 'yes i would'
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
and the winner is...
rbooth43 - Rebecca!
As long as the man made enough money to support all of the kids and me. sure, why not?
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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