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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Blog tour stop and giveaway for Starless Sky by Paige Agnew!

This is one of the best YA books I have ever read. If you win it you will see what I mean. I will pick a winner using the randomizer program a week after this contest opens March 1st. To enter simply post a comment as to why you want to win the book based on something I said in my review. If you tweet about the contest you'll get an additional entry. Good luck to you all! Happy reading.

About the book:

Life is funny sometimes. Little kids drop ice cream cones, people in general often run in to screen doors, there's even the occasional moment when one might trip going up the stairs. Kahlen could expect those things, deal with them even. But what she didn't expect, not even in her wildest, horrific nightmares, that just as something so terrible could happen, something so wonderful could follow after it.

When Kahlen Thomas has a difficult time dealing with the lost of her best and only friend, she has hopes that the new boy at school, Kennley Morgan, will be the perfect distraction from her pain. She slowly realizes that Kennley doesn't as much distract her from her problems as much as he adds to them because of his own interesting past.

My review:

Wow! It has been awhile since I've read a YA novel that had me so captivated that I kept thinking about the book even when I was supposed to be doing other things... like working. And the moment it came time to take lunch I was reading. As soon as I got home I was reading until I went to bed at night. I dare say I was pretty obsessed with this story. It was powerfully written and I was emotionally captivated through to the end. My heart even pounded at times when I was reading. It was like the story was my reality while I was reading it. The fact that the author is so young and is incredibly talented makes the novel even more amazing.

I rarely feel so connected to characters that I get anxious and breathless and fall in love right along with them. But this wasn't a typical teenage story. I was deeper in so many ways. Things were brought up that really make you think about life and what's important. I loved the message about dealing with fear and taking risks because in the end it's always worth it, even if you get hurt in the process. Pain causes growth and that is always a good thing.

I have to say the ending was absolutely perfect. I got choked up a number of times. When I read the epilogue I realized that this novel had just the right amount of tension. It also had a fantastic character arc, and the plot was simply enthralling. I fell in love along with Kahlen and I grieved with her, too. I felt her confusion and her continual teenage angst. It was perfectly done young adult fiction. The author had the voice down perfectly and all the drama that goes with being a teenager. I can't recommend this highly enough for people who love YA fiction and want to experience some realistic,and often intense emotion. I have found a new favorite author. This book is making my best fiction list for 2010 even though I read it in January 2011.

Starless Sky was published by Trafford Publishing and was released in January 2010.

Here is a book video trailer about the novel.


Beth Steury said...

Sounds amazing! I love being able to connect with the characters and to submerge myself in the story..... I want to win!! :)

rbooth43 said...

This statement has me intrigued to read this book, (Things were brought up that really make you think about life and what's important. I loved the message about dealing with fear and taking risks because in the end it's always worth it, even if you get hurt in the process. Pain causes growth and that is always a good thing.)

Anonymous said...

Sounds really great.I would love to read the book. Please enter me in contest.

Anonymous said...

It sounds really good!
If this was one of your favorite YA books in a long time I'm sure its super good!
I would Love to win this!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great book.

Courtney said...

This books sounds great! I LOVE YA books to begin with! I recently read a book that had me so hooked to it it did feel like it was my reality! The reason I'd like to read it is because of how you said the book did that to you and that you also couldn't get it out of your mind while you were at work! I can totally relate to that! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Paige Agnew said...

@ Michelle - I am so honored to receive such a glowing review from you. It makes me want to live up to your expectations in writing and for me that is a positive thing. It just makes me love writing even more (smile).
@ mbsteury - I love connecting with characters too. I have been known to stay up all night reading. It is so much fun to be exhausted as well as excited after doing that.
@ rbooth43 - I was very nervous
about presenting my book to the world... I am so glad I did. It has been worth it. A lesson I will take with me whenever I experience fear.
@Tore and Leah - I hope you enjoy my book as much as Michelle did... no pressure, right (big smile)
@ all readers - it is so much fun to read comments and meet knew readers. I have to say, I personally have found a blog to hang out.

Taffy said...

I like to read books that I feel really connected to the characters. And then I think about them all week. Thanks for the review and giveaway!

Black Piskie said...

I would like to win because I enjoy reading a book in which I find myself falling in love with the characters.
When I find myself falling in love with a book, then I enjoy the reading process much more, and I have a better appreciation of the author's writing style.

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

And the winner is... Black Piskie!

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