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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Review! New giveaway! Now I'm giving away A Suitor for Jenny by Margaret Brownley!

To enter for a chance to win this book simply answer this one question... What do you enjoy about historical romances that you don't really see in contemporary fiction? I personally love the whole arranged marriage theme or the mail order bride theme. That doesn't really happen in contemporary fiction much and if it does, it's really hard to set up so that it works. What about you? I will choose a winner next Sunday using the Randomizer program. Enjoy!

A Suitor for Jenny (A Rocky Creek Romance)

About the book:

And that would be Rocky Creek, Texas, 1880. But Jenny Higgins's plan to find husbands for her two sisters hits a snag when enthusiastic applicants fail to meet her stringent requirements.

Rejecting her sisters' choices for mates and riding herd on her growing feelings for Marshal Rhett Armstrong, she refuses to give up.

Jenny thinks choosing a husband is not a job for the heart. It'll take one strong and handsome marshal to convince her otherwise.

My review:

More like 4.5 but close enough to five stars to round up.

Margaret's Brownley's historical romance A Suitor for Jenny is all that I expected it would be and more. The author has a gift for humor and writing realistic characters. The first chapter was so well-written that I read it out loud to my husband as we were driving to church and he said, "I can picture that." Well, so could I. The setting really added to the story. I felt like I was living in that town because the description was so well done.

The story was not only well-written but well-rounded. There were a plethora of beneficial themes in this story like forgiving yourself, following God's ways rather than man's ways, and making your own choices rather than letting someone else decide what is right for you. I loved watching the characters grow in their understanding of love and enjoyed the way that everything came together in the end. The tension was great, and the humor was even better.

The romantic theme in this thread was truly delightful. There was enough tension to make the romance(s) sizzle, but at the same time their behavior fit the time period. The sneaking out was hilarious as were those "prove to me you don't feel anything for me" kisses. I had a hard time putting this story down and I am sure romance lovers will feel the same way. The dialog was snappy and cute, but also filled with wisdom. And I loved the etiquette lead-ins to each chapter. In short, this novel was an entertaining read, but with substance. Well done.

A Suitor for Jenny was published by Thomas Nelson and released in Sept 2010.  A copy of this book was provided by Wynn-Wynn Media for me to review for this giveaway. The thoughts expressed above are entirely my own.


Lisa M. Collins said...

I like the way I can be transported into a another place in time. Sometimes you just want to be somewhere else, and historicals let me do that.

Linnette Mullin said...

Hey, girl! Would love to be entered for this book. I agree with you on the mail order bride thing. That is definately a hard thing to set up in contemporary books. I also like that there were more constraints on women and this allows for a different kind of tension than you get with contemporary books. Though I do get tired of the theme of the woman who refuses to abide by cultural restraints. I feel that one is a little over used. But, I never get tired of mail order brides. I read a mail order grooms book that I loved. What a neat twist!


lr dot mullin at live dot com

Anne Payne said...

I like how the women are usually very circumspect and try to diligently guard their reputations. Not that contemporary fiction doesn't do that, it is just seems overtly obvious in historical fiction. Plus I can visualize all the great dresses :)

Anne Payne said...

oops...thought I might better leave my email...


Unknown said...

I love reading Historicals because I learn so much! There's so much depth, courage and profound sense of honor, along with great faith and perseverance - that makes historicals so fascinating to me!
kari_linder @ hotmail dot com

Katie Marie said...

I love history, so historical fictions are just my kind of book! I love reading a book where I can step into the past - make me feel like I lived back then with the characters. Its just sucha fun getaway! :-)

Id love to be entered for a chance to win this book. :-)

- Katy

cheryl c said...

I like reading historical romances because it is fun to "travel" to a different time and place. The mail-order bride theme is one of my favorites, too. Thanks for a chance to win this book.
castings at mindspring dot com

Anonymous said...

Women had so many restraints and so many rules. I like the arranged marriage and also the way women had to dress and that they had to have an escort in some case when with a man. I also like being taken back to another time and place. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

karenk said...

i enjoy reading historicals...i like the settings, the simplicity of life, and learning about life during that time period.

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

apple blossom said...

I love the romance aspect first then the historical setting.

love to win this book thanks

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

well, l have to say l like the way the man asked for her hand, the old style courting. sure dont see that much anymore... Percy, priscillajdm at hotmail dot com

Courtney said...

I like the way of courting in historical romances. It's all more formal and sweet! I find it very attractive the way the guys are mostly very much gentlemen and that stealing a kiss is thrilling! So fun! Thanks for entering me in the drawing for this interesting book.

Charlotte Kay said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this book!
I would love to win since the author's voice is quite addicting!
It sounds like a GREAT read!
Charlotte Kay
charlovesmark at gmail dot com

Charlotte Kay said...

Now I will answer your question. I was just so excited when I saw the word "addicting"!
I love historical fiction because I learn to much about the past and am transported to another era. Contemporary fiction is the here and now, but I love to escape it through historical fiction.
Charlotte Kay
charlovesmark at gmail dot com

rbooth43 said...

I love the historical romance books because they carry me back to the days of old of my ancestors and teach us how life was back in the days gone by!
rbooth43 at yahoo dot com

Elizabeth Clancy said...

I love both Contemporary and Historical Romance, but Historical has that overall "feel" about it that really takes me away from reality. There is something special about a time when television and paved roads didn't distract us from savoring the taste of a peach and the shade of an oak.

Rebekah said...

All right, I'll confess. I'm a history freak. I think it's interesting to observe the customs and manners or people back in the day. It's so funny how much our world has changed and how much has stayed the same.

Martha A. said...

I am another History freak! I love anything and everything to do with history and want to know how it really might have been then. Were they the same as us and just lived in a different way? I like historical fiction as it can teach me about history in a real way, seeing how characters might have interacted then! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

Courtney said...

I love historical romances because of the ways of courting. I find it very romantic that there are rules and worry over reputations because you don't see that much anymore. I love that "stealing a kiss" is so thrilling in historical romances.

Anonymous said...

I love reading the
historical romance stories. The pride of reputations and struggling sometimes with what the heart says.

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...

Father and Son

Anonymous said...

I love the courting ways of historical fiction, its just so different from today, and so interesting. Also I like being taken back into another time, and the way life was then.
Thanks for offering this book to us! Sounds like its another wonderful read!
Joy Hannabass

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