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Sunday, November 21, 2010

New giveaway! Now I'm giving away Reinventing Rachel by Allison Strobel!

For a chance to win this book simply read my review and post a comment about your favorite coffee drink. If you don't comment with a response to this question and a way to reach you if you win, you won't be entered into the drawing. Sorry! My answer is I have a lot of favorites but my first choice would probably be an iced soy caramel macchiato - from my church coffee shop which is way better than Starbucks! (Oh, did I mention I endorsed this book? You'll find it inside if you win.)

Reinventing Rachel: A Novel About the book:  

God rewards the faithful; Rachel is living proof of that—until the people she loves most let her down. Now she's done with God. Twenty-six-year-old Rachel Westing has been a faithful Christian her entire life. Then she learns her fiancĂ© is cheating on her and her parents are getting a divorce. Where is God in all this? Wounded, bitter, and with her faith shattered, Rachel goes cross-country to live with her friend Daphne. Confident, fun-loving Daphne sets about to help Rachel reinvent herself, and for a while it's exciting. When another tragedy shakes her to the core, what little she has left unravels. Reinventing Rachel gives readers a true-to-life story that draws them in and keeps them biting their nails until the end.

My review:

Reinventing Rachel was so honest and well-written that I can see many lives being touched and changed by the life-changing themes in the story. This novel addresses some common questions and does it so naturally that I couldn't help being impressed. I loved how the author didn't just have her character going to the edge of the cliff, but had her dangling over the side several times and even slipping over the side on occasion. That kind of conflict makes up a powerful story, and Ms. Strobel did a fantastic job telling it. I truly empathized with and adored the characters. I literally hurt for them and rejoiced with them when they started to make better choices.

There were so many parts of Reinventing Rachel that hit on deep truths, I'm not sure where to start but will say that the author's insight blew my mind. I loved how the cynicism Rachel experienced was so genuinely written that it was easy for anyone to identify with...especially people who have grown up in the church. I loved how Rachel's attempt to live without a relationship with God was so realistically portrayed. It's hard to say much more without dropping spoilers into my review. I can attest to the fact that this awesome book contained great tension, romance, and heartache. I know they don't seem to go together well, but I felt all of those emotions, so I had to share. The edgy content in the story just made it even better.

I am so impressed with the books being published by David C. Cook these past few years that I know just about any book I pick up that they have published I will enjoy, with few exceptions (that was just a side note.) I highly recommend this book because it's not just entertaining, but powerfully written. It's making my best fiction for 2010 list!


Former Teacher said...

I think that we all question situations that happen in our life and think I can relate a lot to some parts of the main character from what you have told us. As for coffee, I am not a coffee drinker at all. I prefer an Italian Cream Soda when I go into a coffee shop. :)

Jeannie Campbell, LMFT said...

nice review. sounds like several of my clients.

as for coffee drinks...that's a negative. i'm a chai fanatic, though, and my favorite chai drink is a chai explosion made with chai, milk, and non-fat yogurt. so smooth and sweet. :)

Michele said...

It sounds like the characters are nicely developed.
My favorite coffee drink is a simple latte with 2 Splendas.

Jaedyn said...

I love that this book is about "real life" situations and the way they affect Christians. Things that shake our faith like this really do change us - we run toward God or not. I wish I had read more like then when I was a teen. :)

And I would love to win a copy! Ah, coffee - I always get a white chocolate peppermint mocha, SO yummy!

ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com

Jo said...

Wow, this sounds like a real heavy duty book that is dealing with real life situations. How many of us have so many things happen to us all at one time and just don't stop to realize that we all go through it.

My favorite coffee drink is white mocha macchiotta that I get from Sertino's ... our local coffee/ice cream shop.


Nancye said...

I really enjoyed reading your review (thanks for not having any spoilers!! :) I think I would totally enjoy this book because there seems to be quite a few areas that I can relate to. As far as my favorite coffee drink, I can't stand coffee of any kind! I do enjoy Frappes (sp?) and Hot Chocolate though.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Naomi Musch said...

That's a tantalizing review. Your remarks about how the conflict keeps building, I believe, is the sort of word of mouth recommending that a book needs, and we writers can learn from it that it's the what our writing needs to entail. Inspired. I'd like to read this.

My favorite coffee drink is a white chocolate, caramel mocha. Easy on the whip cream.

Linda Kish said...

Other than just plain coffee at home, my Starbucks drink is a caramel frappuccino.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Katie Marie said...

Hmmm...favorite coffee drink? i really dont have one - I love anything coffee!! The deserts in a cup, though, are wonerful!


- Katie M

PatriciaW said...

Not a coffee drinker. Sorry. But I love a good cup of herbal tea, particularly the fruity flavors like blackberry or raspberry, with a little sugar substitute and lemon.

I've loving the David C Cook releases too, particularly in women's fiction.

apple blossom said...

I love vanilla. So if it has a dash if vanilla in it I'll probably love it. I do love the refreshing taste of mint too. My own made up every day concoction is...

two teaspoons of powdered creamer,
two teaspoons of sugar sweetener and two caps of vanilla.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Barbara said...

Michelle, with just the little bit of the review you told us in your blog, it sounds like Rachel's definitely got some faith shaking events occuring in her life!
I happen to like Pumpkin Spice lattes from Starbucks without the whipped cream!

barbs562 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. It sounds really good.

windycindy said...

After reading your review, I can definitely identify with Rachel and her cynicism! It can be easy to
doubt our faith when life can be so difficult...
My favorite coffee is an Iced Vanilla
Many thanks, Cindi

Martha A. said...

It sounds like one I will look up! Thanks for sharing!
i love those types of books!
I don't have a favorite coffee drink...I find they are way too sweet and after last year taking a small sample of one and just about coming out of my skin with the sugar and caffeine, i avoid them! I loved the flavor of the peppermint one! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

Carole said...

Michelle, your reviews always give excellent insight and have led me to many good books. I look forward to reading Reinventing Rachel and appreciate the chance to win a copy.

My favorite coffee beverage is Starbuck's cinnamon dolce latte. It was a seasonal drink at first, but now they make it all the time. I'm a church pianist, and it has helped me make it through many early rehearsals and two worship services on Sunday!

cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

Katybug said...

On those rare occassions I get to drink coffee (because my 2yo will drink it for me, so I don't drink it very often), I like the seasonal pumpkin one in particular. I also like a soy chai latte...even though it's not coffee. :-)


Anonymous said...

My favorite is a white chocolate latte that is made by a local coffee shop called Doppio's.
Just found your blog and I am enjoying reading about your books and your reviews.

Anonymous said...

My favorite coffee drink is Starbuck Mocha Frappuchino.

karenk said...

my favourite coffee drink w/ a splash of french vanilla creamer (fat free)...

would love to read alison's latest novel...thanks for the opportunity :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

karenk said...

email subscriber :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

karenk said...

i'm a follower :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Katy said...

*blush* I don't like coffee. I always get a nonfat hot chocolate, no whipped cream when I go to Starbucks.


rbooth43 said...

I am a Chai Tea Drinker, but I will drink a Caramel Latte.


Cindy W. said...

Enjoyed your interview and love stories that speak of every day situations.

I love coffee. I love all kinds of coffee. But I guess my favorite would be a Starbucks mild blend with sugar free Hazelnut flavoring with a large helping of whipped cream. Yummo! Oh, and it has to be a Venti size!

Cindy W.


K.J. said...

This sounds like it would be an excellent read. I am always glad to find well thought-out reviews because there are so many books out there and I want to choose books that will bring me a greater understanding of God through all sorts of situations. I'm not much of a coffee drinker (although I do like Komodo Dragon decaf from Starbucks on occasion). Rather, give me a Vanilla Chai Tea Latte, extra hot, and you'll be my friend for life!!

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...


Alison Strobel Morrow said...

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for wanting to win a copy of Reinventing Rachel. And Michelle, thanks again for your endorsement and your glowing review. I'm so glad that this book is striking such a chord with people! I hope you all get the chance to read it eventually--keep an eye on my website and Facebook group page for contests so you can enter to win a copy! said...

I love McDonald's caramel, ice-coffee. I had one today as a matter of fact. Yummy!

Linda E

Unknown said...

Michelle has the most creative reviews and I enjoy her viewpoint and always want to read the book she speaks of regardless if it is my genre favorite.

Would anyone believe that I've never tried the special coffee drinks,not even Starbucks. All of your ideas sound delicious. I've not even had a chai drink....and I regret that I'm missing out on the true writer's sustenance to aid writing! LOL

Since I've not been able to drive myself these past few years due to immobilization - I seem to miss out on a lot of things I would take for granted. I'm soon to have a hip replacement and perhaps I can resume driving again. I'm praying so. One of my first stops will be at Starbucks or learn to make the drinks at home. Perhaps my writing skills will improve!

Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win it. I hope I win!

Barb Shelton
barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

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