For a chance to enter the drawing to win this book simply post a comment about the toughest job you've ever had to do to support a family. If you haven't been in this situation personally, then just post what you think the toughest job would be if you had to support your family back in the pioneering days. I'll go first. The toughest job I've ever had was working for Child Protective Services. I had to work to support my family and provide health insurance for us all. If I'd had to pick the toughest job (for me) in the pioneer days (outside of the obvious saloon girl/prostitute?) I'd have to say being a wet nurse. Weird that this came to my mind, eh? I loved nursing my babies but don't know if I could do it all the time and for other people's infants.

About the book:
Jane Albright is newly widowed, with one child to care for and another on the way. When she learns that she is at risk of losing the family home and freighting business to greedy moneylender Franklin Lloyd, she has no choice but to brandish a bullwhip and haul freight all the way to Deadwood, South Dakota. Franklin agrees to give Jane six months to pay the note, and it’ll take every ounce of grit she has to secure her children’s future. Franklin admires the strong and beautiful woman - but how can he help her when he is her greatest enemy?
My thoughts:
Got this book the same day I got LFY in Sugarcreek, Ohio. Haven't gotten a chance to crack this book open yet because I read the other one first. Too many books, so little time.
I think traveling across the country and leaving your family behind to pursue a dream would be hard. Thank you for the chance to enter.
My toughest job as a single mom, was taking care of my SXI baby, my 4 yr old daughter and my 1 yr old son, working to provide for all of our needs.
I would love to win this book.
Thank you for the chance.
The toughest job I ever had was the year we first moved to Arizona and went to work for a software company that had merged with another company the year before and was the #1 company at the time. They had grown so big and Murphy's law hit and whatever could go wrong went wrong. Was doing customer service and extremely stressful with nasty customers because they were trying to do their taxes.
When my first husband was in Vietnam twice, it was difficult to manage 3 kids, finances, car repairs, rent, food, and so forth because I received so much per month from my husband's allotment.
That was much easier compared with after I was divorced and had three older children and my house and car, thank God for those, It was difficult for me to find a job that paid enough money, most were part time. I hadn't worked in the professional world for almost 20 years because I had been a homemaker and mother first.
My ex married again one week after the divorce was final. I only had child support, but no alimony and that was my own choice. Dumb as that may have been, we survived and made it. I thank God for the blessings we received then and always.
Thanks for this giveaway and the chance to win such an interesting book. I think that day and time in history must have been a difficult one to survive in many ways. I really would like to win this book.
Barb Shelton
barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com
I've never really had to support my family. The Lord has provided me with a wonderful hubby for that part. I think being a missionary and having to leave all behind and move thousands of miles away would be hard.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I am a follower and email subscriber. I think the toughest job back in the pioneer days would have been being a doctor. The doctors had to travel miles between peoples houses to treat people and they watched more people die than our current doctors today because they did not have the treatments we have now. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.
I worked selling shoes at a shoe store at one time...Not much fun. I did spend 20 years at the same bank, doing a job I really love... My daughter who is the single mother of 3 young boys, she had the first at the age 18, has worked as a CNA to support her family... She loves it, she now manages a house for bi-polar residents.... She says it's rewarding, but very demanding... Her clients have always loved her for she puts their needs above everything... For pioneer days I think being a farmers wife.....
Thanks for the opportunity to share and the opportunity of receiving this book... I have several of the Love Found Me books, but this is one I do not have...
Thanks again
I can't imagine how difficult living in the prairie was and then keeping a family fed and well! The harsh winters and the sickness that spread so quickly and easily...
This book's time period is very interesting...
Many thanks, Cindi
Ive not had to support my family financially. However I did have to maintain my father and his well-being before he died. It was a lot of walking to get to him, taking care of his needs, and being there when he needed me.
Financially my husband is the supporter, and currently US Steel locked him out at 7 pm est last night. This is another Christmas we will be without and have to think of our children.
I love the Love Finds You series. It always gives me happiness and a peace of hope.
I think it would be tough running a boarding house and feeding a huge crowd in the pioneer days. I'm enjoying the Love Finds You titles, thanks for a chance to win one.
I have never had to deal with this but I think the hardest job would be as a lawman. I know it wasn't often done back then with ladies but it still happened. Kind of the big thing about woman working in a mans position:) Please enter me in this giveaway. Would love to win this book. Thanks!
and the winner is...
The toughest job I've had was and is being a soldier in the military. It is very stressful.
Linda E
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