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Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Giveaway! Now I'm giving away The Crimson Cipher by Susan Page Davis!

To enter the drawing for a chance to win a copy of this book simply post a comment about WWI and whether or not you've read any books set during this time period. If not, what interests you about the First World War and reading about it's contribution to world history. Don't forget to leave me a way to reach you if you win. I will use the Randomizer program to select a winner next Sunday. Enjoy!

The Crimson Cipher: Susan Page Davis

About the book:

A female Navy cryptographer seeks to save lives...and uncover her father’s killers.
In 1915, German sympathizers escalated acts of sabotage in the United States to keep the nation from joining in the war. Following the mysterious murder of Emma Shuster’s father, Lt. John Patterson invites Emma to become a Navy cryptographer because of the expertise she gained in helping her father develop a cipher system. Emma finds new strength in her faith as she strives to outwit her adversary, known only as Kobold - German for goblin. Can Emma and John find love in the midst of turmoil as America plunges toward war?

My thoughts: I haven't read this book, nor do a have a copy to review. However, I do love Susan Page Davis's writing, so this novel is sure to please.


Katy said...

I have read non-fiction on WWI, but I can't think of the last time I read a fiction novel set in WWI. It sounds interesting!


Linda said...

I've only read one book about WWI, “Whisper on the Wind” by Maureen Lang. I found it interesting to learn about the circumstances of the war, as they relate to WWII. I would love to win The Crimson Cipher. Please enter me.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Diane said...

I have not read any books on WW1. I did read Sarah Sundin's first book which piqued my interest. I love that this is a mystery with a strong female lead. Thanks for this giveaway!

estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com

Casey said...

The last WW1 novel I read was Whisper on the Wind by Maureen Lang. Good fiction!

I would love to be entered here, thank you!


debbie said...

One of the factors that contributed to the end of WWI was the Spanish flu of 1918. I have been looking for some good fictional books, but I haven't gotten one yet, that was set in that time period.

Elyssa said...

Yes, I've read books set in WWI. I'm not really sure why, but I love the time period. Please enter me!


Jennifer said...

No, I haven't read any books set in this time period, but they all look really good. I'm looking forward to reading this one! Please enter me!


Carman said...

I don't think I've read anything about WWI... If I have, I can't remember. ;) I have read about that time period. Wait!!! Duh. I've read A Passion Most Pure! That was set in WWI. And I loved it! (I still think it was her best book. I kinda want to marry Collin.) ;)

Please enter me! I haven't gotten to read this book yet, but it is on my TBR. :)


apple blossom said...

right now I'm reading the book Broken Birds by Jannette Katzir. Its a memoir book

oh, so good.

My daughter has requested this book so I know she'd love it if I won. thanks

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Nancye said...

I don't believe I have read any books on WWI other than those assigned for school. This book sounds really interesting. Thanks for the chance.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book. It sounds very interesting.

Susan Page Davis said...

Michelle, thanks for featuring my book! This story took a lot of research, but the deeper I got into it the more I was intrigued. It's great to see so many readers here. This time period has been somewhat neglected in fiction, but interest is stirring. Hope you all have a terrific day!

Unknown said...

I remember seeing movies about WWI, and thought I hadn't read any stories until Carmen, in her comment above, reminded that I had read Julie Lessman's novel, "A Passion Most Pure." Fantastic story and I enjoyed it immensely. WWI was just a few years before my time, but I'd like to learn a lot more about the history of it and the world during that time. I'd like to read Susan's writing and am glad you have this book for giveaway and the chance to win it. I hope I do!

Barb Shelton
barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

Emily said...

Yes! I have read many books in this time period. In fact I'm reading one right now! Definitely into this time in history, I'm not really sure why. I wish I could pinpoint one reason, but there's just so many reasons.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Debbie said...

I don't think I've read any in this time in history, but maybe I have sometime in my life. I must agree with everyone else, it is a really interesting subject, and I would love to learn more about it.
Sign me up!

John said...

I probably haven't read anything set in this time, but it does interest me. There's just something about learning about all the different sides of the war, and people's different opinions. It helps to remind me that with God on our side we can do all things!

Taffy said...

I've only read a couple of WWI books. I'm also attempting to write a WWI romance so any other books on the subject interests me!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your blog. This book looks delightful.

misskallie2000 said...

I have read 2 or 3 reviews of this book and all were great. I love stories with history in them and this time in history is a great well of stories.
I would love to win this book.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter this giveaway.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Pink Panther said...

I've read any books concerning the WWI books since I don't come across them often. But I am a History student and would simply love to read some fiction setting in the time of WWI.
You can reach me at

Doreen said...

I haven't read any WW1 fiction but I would love to do so! I'm very interested in WW2 as I read a lot about it. Thanks for the chance to win!

purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

Edgy Inspirational Author said...

and the winner is...


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