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Monday, September 20, 2010

New Giveaway! Now I'm giving away Whisper on the Wind by Maureen Lang!

To enter your name for a chance to win a copy of this book, simply post a comment regarding the first world war. It can be anything. For example, my comment is that my grandfather (born in 1896 and died in the 1970s) was in the first world war. I don't know the details, just that he's a vet and served his country in the war. I will draw a winners name using the Randomizer program on Sunday. Best wishes!

Whisper on the Wind (The Great War Series, No. 2)

About the book:

In Brussels at the height of WWI, a small, underground newspaper is the only thing offering the occupied city hope—and real news of the war. The paper may be a small whisper amid the shouts of the German army, but Edward Kirkland will do anything to keep it in print. Meanwhile, Isa Lassone, a Belgian-American socialite whose parents whisked her to safety at the start of the war, sneaks back into the country to rescue those dearest to her: Edward and his mother. But Edward refuses to go, and soon Isa is drawn into his secret life printing the newspaper . . . And into his heart.

My thoughts:

The ACFW 2010 annual conference kinda got in the way of this review so I haven't finished the book yet. I am about 1/4 into the story and really enjoying it. You should expect to see a review within the next few weeks. :)


Martha A. said...

I didn't even go to a conference and same here...only had time to read 1/4 of it!! i really want to get back to it though!

cozymysterygirl said...

This sounds like a wonderful book please enter me into the giveaway thanks

Elyssa said...

Hmmm... a comment about WWI? Well, my great-grandma was born in 1910 (I think), and was alive during the war.


Jennifer said...

One of my daughter's favorite movies is "Flyboys", which takes place during WWI. It's about some of the first pilots, and is a very good movie.


Wendy said...

I don't know of any living relative that was in WWI. My uncle fought in the Veitnam war and my Son in Iraq. (He is home now)
I would love to win and read this book.
Thank you for the chance.

Wendy said...

I hate to admit it but I don't know much about the WW1. I read more about WW2. Thanks for offering this book.

Emily said...

I'd have to say that when I learned about WW1 in school I found it to be very interesting. Fly Boys was an interesting movie, helped you learn a lot about the war.

deb said...

Well, I homeschool my children, and I thought this book would be a good idea to read. My daughter will be learning about WW1 next month. I think it's really interesting to read about these things.

John said...

I think that WW1 is a really great topic for a book. A lot of horrible things happened during that time, and it's sad to think about it. But praise the Lord that we had God on our side!

Taffy said...

There aren't many WWI books in the world. I would like to read it!

Anonymous said...

l cant imagine what it was like for the soldiers back then, the weather, equipement, food etc... may they all rest in peace... Percy

Pamela Keener said...

WWI; I wish I had a comment to make but nothing comes to mind.
I would to win this book
Love & Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

Katie Marie said...

I don't remember my relatives who fought in WW1, but I did have a great Uncle who fought and died in WW2. Because of this, I know more about WW2 than WW1, but I'd love to win this book and expand my knowledge of WW1!! :-D



arceli said...

Sadly, I always get World Wars I and II mixed up. I'm not entirely sure if I had a relatively who fought in World War I, but with my family's history of military service, it's very likely.


Anonymous said...

I once heard that during WWI as many or more men died from influenza as they did from enemy gunfire.

Ann Lee Miller said...

World War I came before World War II. Ha! Now that I've underwhelmed you with my historical knowledge, please enter me in the drawing so I can learn something new.

Ashley said...

WWI used to be known as The Great War...and then WWII came along.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have traced my ancestors back on both sides and I can't find anyone who was in WWI.


MaureenT said...

I had Great Uncles who fought...they lived in trenches. Some had life long problems from the mustard gas.
Please enter me!


Anonymous said...

I learned about World War 1 last year in American History. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo was I think the stimulus to start the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia... the assassinator was a Serbian by the name of Princip. Since these two were already tense over Austria-Hungry's annexation of Bosnia, it gave them a reason to begin a full out World War 1.
Please enter me in the drawing :)

karenk said...

i'm interested in learning more about WW1

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Jean said...

I LOVE historical novels, especially about wartime! Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!


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