About the book:
A young seamstress weaves her own story in a world run by men. After hearing news of a silver strike in Calico, California, Abigail Watts packs up her needles and thread and follows her beloved father out West. But when she’s suddenly left alone in the rough mining town, Abigail finds herself pressed into a marriage of convenience with the local livery owner, Nathan Hawk. Determined to uncover the mystery surrounding her father’s death in the mines, Abigail agrees to stay in Calico. But when the truth sets her free, she must decide whether to leave the town - and Nathan - for good.
My thoughts:
Wish I had some. I was hoping to read this book before I did the giveaway and provide a review, however, the book never arrived. Sorry!
I would love to read this book. Please enter me for the drawing.
vernetlh (at) yahoo (dot) com
I haven't read anything on here so I would be glad to win some books.
I'm wanting to get into the circle if they will take my first book.
Micky Brown
I'm not sure if this is where to enter the giveaway, but I'd like to. I really enjoyed Love Finds You in Victory Heights Washington, and would love to read more from the series.
I am a native Californian that now lives in Northeast Indiana. For teh 40+ years that I lived in California I always wanted to go to Calico. My family drove by it several times a year on the way to my grandma's house but we never had time to stop. I want to read this book so much so that I can get a feel for what Calico was like. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.
Smiles & Blessings,
Cindy W.
I would love to read this! Love the cover art.
mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net
I would love to win and read this book! Please enter me into the giveaway!
Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com
Please enter me for this one, It sounds really good.
I follow on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
dude i want to read this book!!!
Please enter me! It looks so good! It sounds interesting also.
I would love to read this new installment. Thanks!
Sorry that you didn't get your copy. It seems to me that often the ones that don't come are the ones that you have been looking forward to. I wanted to see Calico too when I lived in California and never did. Please enter me in this contest and I hope that the winner's and your copy do come.
Looked at this book the other day in Sam's Club, unfortunately my budget for that day wouldn't allow for a new book. Please enter me in the drawing.
I really enjoy all the Love Finds You books and would really like this. Thanks!
Oooh, I've been wanting to read this one. :)
I've been trying really hard to win this one, but no luck yet! :) I would love to be entered.
bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com
Just judging by the cover, Abigail looks to be a sassy lady. I'd love to win this!
thanks for the chance to read this fabulous novel :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
thanks for the chance to read this fabulous novel :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I love these books. Thanks for offering.
I'd love to read this book. Thanks for hosting offer a giveaway, Michelle. Please enter me iamstumbeline(at)yahoo(dot)com
If it is not too late, please enter me in the giveaway.
hspruitt [at] juno [dot] com
and the winner is...
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