About the book:
Forbidden romance, an unlikely martyr and an even more unlikely hero. Orphaned four years earlier when their parents, active in the African National Congress ANC movement against apartheid, were murdered16-year-old Chioma and her 15-year-old brother Masozi now live and work on an Afrikaner family's farm. When Chioma and Andrew, the farm owners son, find themselves attracted to one another, tragedy revisits their lives. Chioma escapes to join an ANC rebel band in her effort to survive and gain revenge for her family and culture. When cultures clash in life-or-death struggles, Chioma must choose between violence and revenge or forgiveness and selfless love. Loosely based on historical events and set near Pretoria, South Africa, in the violent upheaval prior to ANC leader Nelson Mandela's release from prison in 1990 and his ascendancy to the presidency of South Africa, this story of forbidden romance produces an unlikely martyr who is replaced by one even more unlikely.
My review:
No Greater Love is an amazing tale about the troubled heart of a young South African woman who learns the meaning of sacrificial love from people she least expected. This story is similar to Scared by Tom Davis, which I adored, except that No Great Love deals with Apartheid and true Christian faith as opposed to the AIDS epidemic. This story begins in a powerful way and I was enthralled with the storyline. Then I read in disbelief as the world around this young woman crumbled. I wasn't sure how the author would be able to keep me reading after the devastation that occurred. But I was curious and kept reading only to discover that the story continued just as powerfully even with an entirely different set of circumstances. I could not stop reading this story and was emotionally moved by the plot and the amazing characterization. The pacing was excellent and the spiritual thread was strong. This is a novel that is life-giving and inspiring. Just how willing are we to be used of God despite the potentially negative consequences that might occur from our obedience? This wonderful story makes you think hard on that subject. I highly recommended it!
I just love Kathi's work, and am so glad you can recommend this book without reservation. Thank you! Very interesting story about Syracuse. My husband earned his Masters degree from the Maxwell School. I'm sure he wouldn't be surprised to learn that Syracuse students protested Apartheid.
l dont have a clue as to what to write on this subject... percy
dont have a clue as to what to say about this subject... percy
This book sounds amazing! I think it will be interesting see see the Apartheid from a woman's point of view.
Thanks for the chance.
nancyecdavis AT bellesouth DOT net
thanks for the opportunity to read this wonderful novel :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
My response is like yours! I remember college students living
in boxes on campus in order to
make a statement about apartheid!
Many thanks, Cindi
Thanks for the review! Your review really makes me want to read the book now! This books sounds like a powerful read!
God bless!
I haven't really been exposed to apartheid whether in reality or in a protest like yours was. It is sad that we have apartheid in our world today.
and the winner is...
My first introduction into apartheid was with the movie musical Sarafina. I think everyone should watch it.
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