Today's Topic
One of areas of Christian fiction that is thriving is Biblical Fiction. Biblical fiction, in case you don't know, is when an author takes a story from the Bible and imagines more of the details. Tosca Lee's Havah would be a recent example of Biblical fiction.What I want to know today is how you feel about Biblical fiction. Have you ever read any Biblical fiction? Did you enjoy it? Do you think Biblical fiction helps us to understand people who lived during Biblical times better or do you think that it's unnecessary? Have you ever read any Biblical fiction that offended you?
My answer
I love Biblical fiction especially if it makes me appreciate the scriptures more. It does bug me if it's not Biblically sound, though. Some great examples of Biblical fiction that is inspiring and accurate is Havah by Tosca Lee, The Centurion's Wife by Davis Bunn and Jeanette Oke, the Lineage of Grace and the Sons of Encouragement series - both by Francine Rivers, The Heavens Before by Kacy Barnett-Gramckow, all Biblical fiction by Brock and Bodie Thoene, etc. I just received Michal by Jill Eileen Smith in the mail a few days ago. I read the beginning of this story about three or four years ago before it had been sold to Revell. This is going to be a fabulous read, at least from what I remember. You can preorder a copy of Michal at Barnes and Noble here...
Pre-order Michal by Jill Eileen Smith
I've never read The Red Tent and don't care to read it.
One book that did bug/offend me was written by Ann Burton and titled, Women of the Bible: Abigail's story. While interesting, the gist of the story came across unlike how David (later King David) is actually portrayed in the Bible. It seemed like she took too many liberties filling in the blanks and just didn't sit right with me. That's the only one I've come across that way.
Thanks so much for the kind comments, Michelle! I hope you enjoy the story!
It all boils down to the ability of the author. She/he needs to be a researcher, a person of the Bible, and a good story teller. I don't think it's an easy feat. I listed a bunch of titles that you could trust. Come see. Here's my response:
I love Biblical Fiction and I'm glad it's thriving because that's what I'm writing!
I read maybe the first chapter of The Red Tent and was offended. But otherwise, I've liked all I've read.
Orson Scott Card has some interesting ones, too, but the theology is a little different considering he's LDS. I didn't realize that until after I had read them. But they do give some interesting insights into the period of the patriarchs.
I think it helps me understand the people and the times better, because those authors you mentions do such thorough research. It's very helpful to me in understanding those Bible stories.
I totally agree with you about the Thoene's. I have read almost all their books and the Ad Chronicles really bring home the stories of the bible. I have bookmarked Hovah for later and will have to check out the other authors you mentioned.
I had read an interesting book many years back now. It was so long ago I'm not sure of the author or title, but it was based on Hagaar, Abram and Sarai's slave. It was very interesting how the author went back to some historical documents and I guess the name's etymology. The author ended up having Hagaar be an Egyption princess of some sort, and that she was devoted to God, Yaweh. I enjoyed that read, and I'm sure there are others that would be just as good or better.
Philip Kledzik
"An Issue of the Heart"
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