About the book:
Once-idealistic counselor Tamara is consumed with her clients' heartaches. Minister's wife Corinne is devastated by her husband's unfaithfulness. Compassionate Jamilah feels helpless as a mother neglects her daughter. When four good women facing bad situations take matters into their own hands, will they learn that Playing God is a game that nobody can win?
This sounds like an interesting book. I'd love to be entered.
joyfuljewelz (at) gmail.com
wow, a NOVEL by MMH?! this i gotta read!
This sounds like a good book. Mystery. I love them.
this book sounds deep... percy
Sounds great! Please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks!
sounds interesting :)
please add me in the drawing, thanks!
The blurb only mention three women; I wonder about the fourth. Please add my name to the pot.
Playing God, huh. How hard it is, as a Mother not to do that. I'd love to read it. :)
Lalycairn at gmail.com
This sounds good.
Great giveaway! Count me in.
Hey, this sounds really good! I'd love to read it.
Please enter my name into your drawing. I love this author, but have never read any of her fiction. Thanks!
Please include me in your giveaway. This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading. Thank you.
njones127 at tampabay dot rr dot com
This sounds good and relative to my life. Enter me in the drawing. spowell01(at)bellsouth(dot)net
yes please!
Happy Memorial Day! I love the take on the cover of "marionettes!" Puppets, very interesting. These four compassionate women sound like wonderful human beings. Now, I am wondering how they take things in their own hands and what happens. Thanks,Cindi
I'm intrigued just to read a novel by Michelle McKinney Hammond. Count me in! kim at kimberlycashtate dot com.
Would love to be entered in this contest! Thanks
Lela Fox
don't know what to say except I'm all about winning free books.
The book sounds interesting, please enter me, thanks!
I'd love to win a copy!
I blogged you on Prize-A-Tron too!
I am ready for a new book! This one sounds good. Hope you pick me! THanks
And the winner is...
Michelle, Just finished reading this. Thanks so much. I totally enjoyed the story line and found my own questions mirrored in some of the characters. Why do some people seem to have everything fall into place in their lives, and others who live in obedience to God seem to have such a different road to walk. I'm giving this book to both my daughters to read (one is 19 the other 16) as I think it will speak to some of the on going struggles in their own lives.
Thanks again.
Heather (Lalycairn)
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