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Monday, October 09, 2006

What I'm reading this second week of October 2006...

As y'all know I finished The Measure of a Lady by Deeanne Gist last night because once I got into the story I had a hard time stopping. I really enjoy books that suck me in. Some are better than others when it comes to pulling me into a story, and I have a special place in my heart for historicals.

I'm thoroughly enjoying Kristin Billerbeck's Calm, Cool and Adjusted. Great tension in the story. One of the things I love about Kristin's books is she has a way of making you wonder who the right man for the heroine is and when she introduces several possible men, you scratch your head and try to decide. She's really good at fooling me, but usually I catch on about halfway through and then I feel really smart, ha ha.

I started Like Sheep Gone Astray by Leslie Sherrod last night. I want to slap the hero's wife because she's so self-centered. I love it when an author makes me care. I'm on page 51. I also started Violette Between last night because I joined the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance and the book they are featuring this week is Alison Strobel's book Violet Between. I figured since I had the book on my shelf I might as well crack it open. I'm a tad confused with this one because it hops between 2005 and 1988 and I have no clue why. I guess I'll need to keep reading to figure that out, huh?

Oh, and for my dilectable historical selection I have Mozart's Sister by Nancy Moser. What an interesting story. It starts in a graveyard. Have I piqued your interest? I'm still reading Trial by Ordeal by Craig Parshall. I'm just not in the mood to read this one right now. Not sure why.

I'm also still reading the Heartsong called Letters from the Enemy by Susan May Warren. This story is taking me forever to read. It's not boring so I don't know why it isn't pulling me. I'll let you know when I figure it out. And last but not least, I'm reading The Novelist, by Angela Hunt, which so far is pretty good. I plan to read that one at work tomorrow when I get breaks.

BTW, guess what stinks? My church is starting a Sunday school class that requires reading 20-30 page chapters every week, and on top of that I do a Bible study with my family every week that requires between 10-20 chapters of the Scriptures as well, and on top of that I'm leading a Bible study on Wednesday nights on I Can't Do it All by Tracie Peterson, et al. (Is that title a hoot or what? Sounds like my life right now.) Did I mention I started singing on the worship team again after taking a six month break?

Why does this all stink? Because I can't do it all and I've already got way too much to read, so adding more reading to my pile is just not fun. But that's how life goes. So hey, if I don't like it nobody can force me to read it, right? The good thing is it's making me way pickier as a reader. No time for boring stories here. Thank the Lord I've already read the book I'm doing for the Bible study I'm leading on Wednesdays. Thankfully I just need to prepare by reviewing the chapter and pulling together more discussion questions and scripture. Maybe I'll learn something from teaching the class, eh?


SHARLENE said...

Oh, Michelle, I so relate. I'm involved in two weekly Bible studies (hubby, too) as well as a weekly Beth Moore Bible study, which, you know--if you've ever done a Beth Moore study--is very intensive. Besides that, I mentor a first grade girl for an hour a week, sing on my worship team, attend church planning meetings, and volunteer in the church office as the need arises.

I visit my mother (who has Alzheimer's) two-three times a week, and in between that I try to work on my writing project. I feel very burned out right now with regard to my writing. Recently I had someone critique the first chapter of my WIP, and since then I've not been able to put two thoughts together. I keep second guessing every single word that goes on the computer screen, after which I press delete then walk away from the computer. I think I'm going crazy. Not really, but all that to say, I relate to your "over busy" schedule. It's hard to be creative when your mind is traveling in a dozen different directions. Okay, enough said.


Mary Connealy said...

Hi, Michelle, I try to stop by regularly for you take on what's new in Christian fiction. Keep up the good work.

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